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Green with thin white stripes

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6 minutes ago, Alan said:

Heavily polished handmade.  Look at the glass flow.

It is still out of round Alan that is why I will stick with buffed. Maybe "heavily buffed"😁
I consider a polished marble to be quite round and out of place in the scheme of things relevant to the original. 
I get what you are saying though-- 

Great opinion for sure Alan.

I am not great at handmades.

Just a play on words imho.


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19 minutes ago, akroorka said:

It is still out of round Alan that is why I will stick with buffed. Maybe "heavily buffed"😁
I consider a polished marble to be quite round and out of place in the scheme of things relevant to the original. 
I get what you are saying though-- 

Great opinion for sure Alan.

I am not great at handmades.

Just a play on words imho.


I use the longstanding definitions of 'buffed' and 'polished' that have been in the hobby for some time.  "Buffed" indicates that polishing has been done but remnants of the pontils remain.  "Polished" indicates that the polishing effort removed the pontils, as in this case.

It could have originally been any one of 5-6 types, evidenced by the sole remaining white bands.  I have my fact-free guess, but there is no way of knowing.

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2 minutes ago, Alan said:

I use the longstanding definitions of 'buffed' and 'polished' that have been in the hobby for some time.

Like I said Alan, 
I do not know Hand-made marbles and the terminology involving them.
We will both agree that this one was once a cool marble that had some work done to it.
Hand-made vs Machine-made terminology is just different from what it should be in all of our minds.
It (the marble) was saved, and it is deserving of some of what we are visiting here together.
A re-worked marble—not an original finish.
Still not too shabby imho.
Thanks for the info and this may be an enlightening post for many involving the machine-made vs the hand-made Polishing info that many may not have found elsewhere.
You keep me on my toes, and I appreciate it.
I just love this stuff—learning from others.

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