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Akro Cork with Metallic???


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31 minutes ago, VaMarbles said:

Did Akro add metallic to their corkscrews?

I do not think that Akro ever intended AV to be included in any of the marbles that they manufactured. 
This being said--there are some greens that include a bit of what we may call AV--common in many marble manufacturers that had green involved. Just unresolved minerals that even the experts got wrong.
There are many from these “Digs” that involved some black/silver AV but these were discarded from the Factory and dug up later by some of the more passionate that broke the law—love -em!

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Note the wide black band edging.  I think that is what you are referring to as it narrows.

An Akro employee told us that they used to throw bits of metal scrap into the pot just to watch it flare up.  Amusement.  I think pretty much of it all burns off.

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4 minutes ago, Fire1981 said:

The camera on my fancy IPhone 16 Pro Blah Blah is pathetic. My 7 was the bomb. Bubbles in the Matrix? No problem. Crystal clear and sharp. I think you’re pics are spot on🔥


I have a Samsung Galaxy 9+ and love it, I haven't upgraded in years and Samsung is on version 25 now I think.
I love the camera on this older phone and I use a $45 macro lens that I add to it for marbles.
Thank you!


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6 hours ago, disco005 said:

Metallic and/or AV is really hard to show in a photo, at least for me. 
I haven't figured out the trick yet.

I have found lighting angle and proper reflection are the keys. In the bottom left marble in your second pic, the reflection off the metal is coming too directly back at the lens so you get a "hot spot" and can't see the metallic reflection well. In the lower right photo, the reflection comes off the marble at an angle away from the lens and the metal shows much better. Of course, every marble is different so you may have to play around with it some but, in general, considering this will lead to better results, IMO.

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