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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Help me out here, which board is it that people have been banned for life from? And who runs it? I only visit this one.
  2. Sometimes oxblood is very thin and looks wispy like this. I say yes, but I wouldn't be inclined to buy it since there are many better examples always coming up for bid.
  3. I remember some really interesting arguments back "in the day", such as what is "true oxblood". Think I copied that one. Les Jones and someone named Jeff (the really bad speller) used to really go at each other on various topics. I also liked the fact that the bad ebay sellers would get exposed. Everyone learned a lot from such open exchanges. Does anyone else remember the passionate arguments over the rare CAC guineas (red and green-based) and of course, the "exotics"? Are these web pages archived anywhere?
  4. Les Jones used to say that Vitros were under-appreciated. I've always loved the variety in the "V" types.
  5. I think I have one! Have to look for it now...
  6. All this interest in what Griff is showing points out that there aren't many really cool marbles up for bid on ebay anymore.
  7. ?? Were they being offered by the person who was authorized to sell the marbles after Alan died? Just curious. I can't imagine that I'd be able to afford any from his personal collection. ( And not trying to stir up a hornet's nest here.)
  8. Did any of Alan's personal collection ever get put out to bid?
  9. Here I am at my high school class reunion this summer--the 50th! OMG....
  10. Not sure if my photo will get here, but I love the handmade oxblood slags (sometimes called Leighton types), CAC's (the ones I can't afford) and of course my avatar. Photobucket takes too long. How do I navigate to my own picture? (Steph, I asked you this a while ago but you've probably given up on me.)
  11. OK Jeroen, I'll be in Brussels sometime next spring to visit my daughter. Where can I find some of these fabulous marbles you keep unearthing?
  12. Watch out for those paper bowels. I wouldn't trust them.
  13. A few of the marbles described as 8.8 or 8.9 in condition look like ones that ought to be graded "good" (that confusing marble grade that really means poor) to merely collectable. I mean, huge chips. What's up with that? Just because there's one huge chip, does that make it a 8.9? I think I'd be afraid to bid even if I had the means.
  14. Marblemiser, those mibs are to die for! It's the one kind I've never managed to get into my collection, mostly due to price. I'm still trying.....
  15. As usual, I have no idea why this didn't work. Sorry folks.
  16. I apologize in advance if I mess this up. Can't teach an old dog new tricks...still new to Photobucket. I long for the old days and ways. Is there still no way to preview posts?
  17. I like them very much. Have a few of the harder to find colors but always like to see photos.
  18. It appears to be CAC, but I don't consider it mint if it has flakes, whether pinpricks (very subjective) or larger. Just IMO.
  19. I'm sure Les's collection, at least the valuable pieces, have remained with his family.
  20. Apparently the German sparklers were the equivalent of our catseyes except they tend to be more, um, je ne sais quoi! I searched through a huge flea market in Belgium years ago and found only a couple jars of sparklers. I was bummed until I found they were hot sellers on ebay.
  21. OK, I give up. Apparently you have to do this on a regular basis to remember how to make photos show up.
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