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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Guess I'll try PhotoBucket. Jeez.....Where's the preview button so we can see if something is going to post?
  2. I'd forgotten that aventurine is actually an accident. Funny that we value it so highly! Here are a couple handmades with some sparkles.
  3. I agree with Smitty's analysis of live vs. internet auctions. Ebay has caused a huge drop in value in many prized marbles such as lutzes and other handmades. If I bid on a marble and lose, I always say to myself "there will be others like it". I can only remember one live auction in VT devoted to just marbles and that was about 12 years ago, arranged by Mike Wilson. I dropped a bundle but the excitement was mostly what drove the bidding.
  4. Darn, where does the time go? I remember those posts now. Somehow I can hear Les Jones's voice in my head saying skeptical things about this CAC type. As far as I know, he never sold one on ebay among the thousands that he put up for bid.
  5. I must have gone into hibernation for the past decade or so. Never heard of a CAC Red Jenny. Is there such a thing? I would have called this a Champion if I had to guess. http://www.ebay.com/...=item4164fcd0d9
  6. It is cool, but I've never seen so many bubbles in a snake or popeye. Is this significant? Zaboo?
  7. Both are mouth-watering. I love the blobby guinea.
  8. What's that white grid thing the marbles are on, Dani?
  9. You were the seller and I'm happy with my purchase. I like the blotches too.
  10. I added another guinea to my CAC collection recently. This one is more stripey plus blotchy. Let's see if I can get my photo host to work.
  11. Not to rain on your parade, but I don't see any clear glass. Dani (Zaboo) would be the one to give you the right call.
  12. Auctions, both near and virtual, can be a good source for marbles. You might even luck into finding some at a flea market or antiques shop. It's getting harder to find them "in the wild", as we say here. Ebay of course, but stick with sellers you learn about who have a good track record for selling authentically old marbles, if you want vintage. Best advice I was given was collect what you like and try to buy the best of that type. Most of us spent way too much starting out, myself included.
  13. You just keep finding them, don't you? I don't particularly like sulphides, but I'd jump for one like yours.
  14. None of us wants to appear ignorant in front of the whole group! I have no clue, but how many companies used translucent glass as a base? And is that "true" oxblood? Attractive marble whoever did it.
  15. I know. I regret not getting in on that auction. Damnation....
  16. Hey CAC-Mike, I almost threw in a bid on that gorgeous stringy cobra you just won. If I wasn't about to remodel our bathroom, you'd have lost out. Now that's a beauty beyond words. Post a picture when you get it, OK?
  17. It's a beauty, probably too rich for my blood. I've never seen one with this sort of spiraling wirelike look. Good luck!
  18. This is really gorgeous but never having seen a CAC like this in hand or in books, I'd be afraid to bid. Are any of you watching this? http://www.ebay.com/...=item3cc3edfcf4
  19. The picture rang a bell and I went pawing through my Vitros. I have one exactly like the ebay listing, only just 29/32. The cobalt base is stunning and I'm a sucker for the V's. I think I picked up mine in an antiques shop in Lakeland, FL.
  20. Oooooooooo..........................ahhhhhhh............................Big sigh!!!
  21. I can't generalize from experience about bricks but I'm pretty sure they come in sizes ranging from around 5/8 to 7/8. Lucky you--a green brick is a treasure. Great find in an inexpensive handful!
  22. This is a Peltier, supposedly. Is it? http://www.ebay.com/...=item53ebf8b74b
  23. Whenever I see "repo" I wonder if it means repossessed. Should it be "repro"?
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