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Everything posted by mibstified

  1. WOW Alyce!! You scored that in one of the Pelt jar lots you won, hey? Awesome (and rare) little mib!! Gotta love estate sales. You never know what little treasure you might find. :thup:
  2. Yeah, made that for my Ohio marble buds when OSU was playing for the national championship. Something to do in the evening when in "my chair" and (as usual) nothing of value on the tube.
  3. Yes, super time with Alyce and her hubby Mark!! Typical auction, you get there early and wait all day for a few marble lots to go off. This one was all-day intense as marble lots were going off inbetween other lots throughout the day. It was an unexpected pleasure to spend the day talking mibs and tag teaming with Alyce and Mark. Crazy work scehdul this week so I have to wait until the weekend to dig into sortiing my new stash. I do have a few pics.......a few of my mib loot and a pic of one of the three mib tables t the auction.
  4. I always thought it referred to marbles made at the "end of the day", assuming that had to do with using left over glass, cane, etc. I have wondered (imagined, speculated) that the CAC marble makers might have had a similar practice, making multi colored lunch box mibs. I understand the process would have been totally different with machine versus cane made mibs but the creative fun of using left over glass to make unique "end of day" mibs could have been similar.
  5. The Ohio State University...............National Champions!!
  6. Great boxes!! The Great Pyramib of Cambridge...........
  7. I have similar opaque mibs that were received with large lot of similar structure CAC transparent swirls. Not sure if opaque color is the same. These are more like a deep purplish burgandy, rather than purple.
  8. My slags shooter box with some red slags. Smallest mib in the box is 3/4" so think a few reds are ~7/8".
  9. I think your mib could be Akro or maybe Vitro. I think my yellow and blue mib is an Akro cork that forgot to cork, LOL. Here is another mystery mib. Looks like a single seam mib but I think it is an oddball Pelt slag with a single ribbon of opaque yellow. The mib appears to be folded in half, similar to other Pelt slags I have with a fold line between the two closely spaced cut lines where the yellow abruptly ends.
  10. Steph.........the bottom left mib looks like a cobra...............ready to strike!
  11. Where was the term "swirl:" fist used for machine made marbles and by whom? Was it a term first used by a marble manufacturer or a marble distributor (like Albright)? if a manufacturer first coined the phrase regarding a line of mibs they manufactured, it could have been a term applied to describe how they appeared, or maybe a term to describe the process in how they were manufactured . If the term was first used by a marketing or distributer company, it likely would have been due to how they appeared. Knowing how and why they were first named might shed light on what the definition of a "swirl" should be.
  12. Transparent swirls seem to have streams of opaque glass within a transparent base. Slags seem to have random opaque glass swrling in transparent base and sometimes random swirling opaque glass on surface of transparent base. Both seem to be intentional outcomes. CAC transparent swirls........ Slags........ Slaggy striped transparent single seam football...........
  13. Hand gathered......Akro?,,,,,,,,CAC? Single seam mibs......Akro glass?.........CAC structure?
  14. I'm a local lurker for the FredCo show. Have gone to the last two shows......loved them both and have added some nice mibs to my hoard. I'll be there.......
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