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Everything posted by mibstified

  1. Really enjoying this thread and the level of knowledge and detail you all are bringing to the discussion. When referencing "ying-yang" Pelts, do you mean the Pelts that look as if they were twisted at the "equater" while the "poles" were held statonary? I have a handfull of them that I have pictured below.
  2. "Homework, 2009 thread"........ http://marbleconnection.com/topic/11753-idle-question-for-an-expert/ Could it be a glass chemistry phenomenon?
  3. Some CAC and WV peewees......
  4. In sync with critter's sunset (or sunrise?), a royal blue opalescent flinty with some maglite action.
  5. Here are some of my Euro-Amesterdam-French swirls and sparklers, SOs (one single seamer) and STs, wire pulls and a few slags.......
  6. Looks to be a CAC Bloodie to me.
  7. Ha, I'd like feedback on all of'em. They are all mystery mibs to me but think most are WV mibs.......but by what manufacturer???
  8. I think most of these are West Virginia mibs but not sure which are Alley Agate or Revenswood. A few might be German.
  9. This is a single pontil lobed confetti at almost 2.5". No chips but has fine, hazy pocket ware. Kinda looks like an end of cane mib. The surface has the typical concentric swirls of a hand made..........Maybe 1930s vintage?? The 2nd and 3rd row pics were taken with the marble suibmerged in water.
  10. Happy 4th of July Mibsters!! May God Shed His Grace On Thee!!
  11. No. It is pastel gray glass but does have a metalic look.
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