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Everything posted by mibstified

  1. Some interesting mibs........ Translucent Based CAC Flame Single Seam Transparent Mib (single seam Pelt??) Nice CAC Bloody Shooter Hand Gathered Pastel..........CAC? Hand Gathered CAC SO Strange little feathered mib.......... My fav hand gathered mib!!! Akro?? CAC?? CAC Red Jenny
  2. Just a simple yet complex little mib with really "cool" stratifications..........pun intended:-)
  3. I can't beleive it, but that is a Runeball!! Scott Wolter America Unearthed (jk:-)
  4. Hey kbobam........I guess a mib speaks a thousand words, I was thinkin more along the lines of ............Hearts on Fire!!! Sssssssss......
  5. Hmmmmmm..........Anyone seen Galen?
  6. .....and I'm wondering how they might have made this chevron pattern. It's like the poles were stationary and the middle of the mibs were rotated???
  7. Happy Birthday Dani!!! Maybe dinner on top'a the "Needle" with hubby might do:-)
  8. Very nice box of eye candy, Galen. For some more fun, here is a "virtual" box of some of my mibs............
  9. These are kind of unique. They are single seam mibs but I think they are Akro, for sure the silver ox.......... Don't own this one anymore......
  10. Hey Ric, I was thinking CAC. Here is ma pic of the single seam..........
  11. Hey Chuck G......yeah, "single seam" is probably not a good description of this mib. I think it looks a lot like other Pelt slags I have had, where two ends are folded over together but not to the extent where the seams merge. The fold line where the ends meet can look like a seam or cut line. I think that is what is going on with this marble. The fold line where the ends meet looks like a seam, but I think the cut lines are actually where the yellow opaque glass ribbons (for lack of a better word) abruptly end on either side of the fold line. Probably violating marble description convention here but this is what I'm seeing.
  12. Here is an odd single seam marble that I think is a Pelt, primarily due to the bubble pop. Some folks do think it might be a CAC.
  13. It is 1" on the nose. I use an elevated Plexiglas sheet (so I can work with a mag light underneath) with a dimple ground in to set the marble. I also use a sheet of thin black foam (like felt) on top with a hole centered under the marble. The hole diameter is sized to let the light shine through the mib but not so large that it escapes around the marble. I mess with the backlight angle and intensity to get the right backlight level so as not to washout the marble details.
  14. Agree on the back light effect. It also helps to enhance construction details. Would this be considered an Ohio mib or maybe German?
  15. I have a handful of Euro swirls but the only one i have photographed is my flame. Next camera binge weekend............
  16. Wow Craig, that is a once in a life time, amazing find!!!! Bet you got an indescribable endorphin rush going through that tub. Definitely got to go back and buy the whole lot, even if just to get first dibs on any more mibs that might be in that pipe line. Congratulations!!
  17. Lucky and thankful to have it and very glad to share pics........it was hard to capture all that is going on with this mib.
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