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Everything posted by greg11

  1. where did you find most of your marbles? local antique shops or outdoor markets? Just curious how marbles are found across the pond.
  2. The prices are what people think you can get, but thats not always the case. Book prices are on the high end if you ask me, good clean marble, the right buyer. Books also make it harder for collectors to find stuff in the wild because people see these books and the prices and jack up their own prices. Most the marbles you see in the books are excellect or rare. You can also look at sold auction prices. Here is the latest Morphy's auction. Many of the boxes sold below estimate Morphys Marble Auction
  3. let me know if you want to sell those limeade shooters
  4. cool pics, you sure do like driving. Kewl they are still digging at Akro
  5. Indiana Marble Club presents September 9, 10, & 11 2010 - Hampton Inn & Suites, US N31, Kokomo, IN Saturday's show in hotel banquet rooms 10am-3pm FREE ADMISSION! Continually held the week-end following Labor Day , we offer two separate venues for those who like to collect or would like to learn about the hobby of marble collecting. Feel free to stay at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Kokomo, Indiana on US 31 Thursday, 765-455-2900 September 9 and Friday, September 10, and "room hop" to visit with collectors and dealers who are familiar with the history behind one of the worlds oldest toys; or visit with some of the nations most popular contemporary marble artists and see the newest and most beautiful art trends in glass. This is also a wonderful way to bring your marbles to discuss and learn! Also, Saturday, September 11, we will have the dealers gathered in the hotel banquet rooms to buy, sell, trade or to appraise your treasures. It's free and educational and fun too! The Kokomo show was started in Kokomo to introduce to many marble collectors the Kokomo marbles which were made through the Kokomo Opalescent Glass Factory in the 1920's and 30's (which is still in existence), and although the marbles were only made for a very short time there, they are collectible as well as rare. In conjunction to these marbles, you will find German handmades from the late 1800s to early machine mades in the early 1900s to the newly made and collectible hand and machine mades. So please come join the fun! We look forward to meeting you and sharing our wonderful hobby. This year we are having a marble raffle for ALL participants to the show. All guests attending Saturdays show will receive a raffle ticket to put in on their choice towards a number of marbles donated by the vendors. In exchange for their donations, each vendor will receive 10 tickets towards their choice of marble. All participants will also have the opportunity to purchase additional tickets for $1. Participants do not need to be present to win but they must be able to respond by phone to pick up their prize.
  6. arriving friday around lunch time. Bringing some good marbles for sale and some for show and tell.
  7. call the hotel if you want a room, they are showing out of rooms online however I called just now to get my room and they have them. $89.00 Holiday Inn 812-372-1541
  8. this one is sneaking up on us quickly, Its a neat hotel with a huge indoor pool area.
  9. Buckeye Marble Collectors Meet Date: August 21, 2010 City: Canton, OH Location: Canton Holiday Inn 330-494-2700 Contact: Brian Estepp 614-863-5350 home 614-975-1203 cell Email: [email protected] Contact: Steve Smith 330-308-5281 Email: [email protected]
  10. Southern Indiana Show Date: July 17, 2010 City: Columbus, IN Location: Holiday Inn 812-372-1541 Contact: Bob Cunningham 812-498-5410
  11. Bill is ok, we were having trouble with spammers posting on the board, so its under construction at the moment.
  12. Hello from Maui, we've been here a few days now. The weather is nice, it's always nice in Maui which is why I like to come here. Everyday is the same, it never rains, never cloudy.
  13. We forgot to add CaMike for selling the largest fake Guinea
  14. Galen might be the next person in the hall of fame.
  15. is there going to be a plaque like this carried around to each show?
  16. I went last year,its a nice hotel, good for room trading as it's not a big hotel, nice rooms, friendly staff, I cant make it this time around.
  17. papa johns pizza and chinese buffet's. I hear there is going to be a couple big collections for sale LOL
  18. Let me guess. some rare figures and colors started surfacing in the early 90's and collectors paid huge amount of money for them. 10's of thousands of dollars were exchanged in a short period of time and then someone figured out they were new construction.
  19. yeah minus the lime green slags, and the electric reds and the peach slags, etc... I still value the box itself for 200.00 empty. The Marbles in the box really have no real value in this example. If complete original as shown in the marble mania picture we are talking 1000-3000 original with packing material. Many boxes floating around are pieced together with marbles and material not original to the box. If you see an original box your jaw will drop to the floor, its really that amazing.
  20. I'm no expert in boxes but without the original marbles and divder/tissue this box might be worth $200.00. I dont think these marbles are original to the box, but that is just my opinion.
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