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Everything posted by greg11

  1. would love to own that ca pee wee box
  2. will there be demonstrations on how to find marbles in walls?
  3. sounds like a good spot. The place you had the show last august was ok. really nice area of town. The hotel was almost too big and dark hallways. I still think it was a good spot though. I really liked the area of town, i could live there.. sounds like this new place is a winner with good food, a bar and an outdoor pool for the summer heat. Maybe some of these smaller shows will close up shop so we can concentrate on just a few mega shows throughout the year.
  4. Looking forward to the show in August, although its gonna be a long while now before anymore shows... That's what sucks about missing this paticular show, now we have to wait until summer around here. There is a show in Decatur ILL in April though.
  5. Chris, room trading goes late, until everyone goes to sleep. You might even find a poker game going on until 4am.
  6. I canceled, I'm sure it will be fine to drive the main roads tomorrow. I just cant deal with it bringing a 4 year old. The drive could extend past the 6 hour mark if snow or drifts create slow traffic. Griff yep... You're in the middle of it, its really bad between PA and Delaware. Roads clear down in Louisville with about 6-7 inches of snow on the ground. Dont get sideways on the highway again with all those wood marble cases in the truck!
  7. My issue is a 5.5 hour drive could turn into a 8 or 9 hour drive.
  8. wow, they are loving you about now. How many rooms did you have in the past couple years?
  9. Try not to get sideways on the interstate this trip Griff
  10. They know there is no other alternative so they have the power to do it, it wont stop people from using it. Postal rates go up, cable TV bills go up, Cell phone plans increase and so does Ebay.
  11. Wow, Big big show compared to what we have been seeing the past year, maybe the resession is over I'm actully reserved down the street at the Courtyard Marriot for thursday and friday night. They have an indoor pool and that is the only way I could con my daughter into making the 6 hour trip, she wants to swim and I want to buy marbles! We will be running back and forth between hotels but thats ok for this one show.
  12. something does not look right about it, but i am no box expert. I've never seen one like this.
  13. FYI - Bill Tow's Christensen Agate site is back up and running. http://christensenagate.com
  14. Who's going? I will be there thursday and friday night. Smitty, how many rooms are booked and how many tables expected at the show? Galen BuckeyeDr Mark Tom Reed Scott Patrick Greg and a whole bunch of jabos and papa johns pizza
  15. nice board! speaking of pee wee handmades. I have a half dozen or so if anyone is interested.
  16. It reminded me of winters in the dorm at college. We had to keep our windows open during the winter because the heat was so hot. i didnt get to spend much time at the show, my daughter had nothing to do with this show. All she wanted to do is watch cartoons and jump on the bed. Maybe next time she will chill, but i ended up with some really nice marbles. You still get better marbles at shows than you can get on Ebay. Many of these dealers at shows dont sell on Ebay so go to the next show folks.
  17. Lots of nice marbles here this show. I got some killer marbles within the first 20 minutes of arriving at the hotel. My room is 1000 degree's, I have to keep the window open and its 15 degree's outside, gonna be tough sleeping.. feels like central america in here.
  18. I just made a reservation for Friday. The rooms are priced right! I hear there is going to be some great marbles there...
  19. I will probably drive up for the show but not room trading. I will be in delaware the entire week for business, flying back to louisville friday afternoon.
  20. I have been collecting since 1992 and never really thought people collected marbles like this in the 40's and 50's. I just assumed they had them in bags or boxes of toys sitting in a closet, never dispalyed like we display our collections, interesting. I wonder where he found his marbles.
  21. Indiana Marble Show Start your year right by joining us January 9th, 2010 at the Comfort Inn & Suites at the pyramids in Indianapolis 9090 Wesleyan Rd, (317)875-7676. In-room trading will take place Thursday and Friday, the 7th and 8th so plan a time that's best for you to attend. If you haven't made reservations, do so soon for the best rooms and make sure that you have a table for show. We've sold out the last 2 years. Saturday's show will consist of 2 rooms full of dealers and fellow collectors to sell, ID, buy and trade. They have paid so that you can participate free of charge! For table reservations or questions, contact Mike Adams at [email protected] or Beth Morris at [email protected] or through our website at http://www.indianasmarbleclub.com (Directions: US465 W to Michigan St exit, go south 2 stoplights left on Depauw Blvd, turn right at first street right which is Wesleyan Rd.)
  22. He needs a website with a shopping cart system, just list them on the site each for sale. tell consigners that he will price each marble. Make a 200.00 minumum order or something so we dont drive him crazy and just bulk anything 25.00 or less into bulk lots.
  23. BTW. oval box is from Dani, he's got more. The dark wood box is from Charles. Griff has some nice wood boxes as well for sale.
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