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Everything posted by greg11

  1. most of these are from morphys auction. It's fun to look at them
  2. I took these pictures in Maui 11 months ago black sand beach
  3. wish i owned them this ones mine and this set
  4. could have used the ole IMHO on that one
  5. we need to at least wait until CAMIKE's sentence is up so he can give his IMHO
  6. IMHO i'm just waiting for the CA exotic prices to tank now that they have all been certified fake.
  7. Why would someone have repo medals created and not have them stamped "reproductions" or why would someone have sulphides made and not have them marked so they could not be passed off as old. All new shit should be marked.
  8. Bill, the problem is where do you make the statement that will reach all collectors, it's sorta impossible wouldn't you agree? It's really up to the buyers to educate themselve's before they go buying something. Whats the deal w/ all the Jabo's floating around, I'm sure they will eventually show up at flea markets and in jars at antique malls, it's impossible to warn the collectors out there unless there is a central location for information concerning marbles. The books were a good start but they are not updated fast enough to keep up w/ all the new stuff being made and they were more of a stupid price guide that screwed a lot of us out of marbles because everyone in their mother used them to price marbles at flea markets. Ebay and the books caused marble prices to go crazy.
  9. haha, i didnt notice the price. $6,100.00 WTF is wrong w/ people. Do you realize what 6100 would buy you at a marble show..
  10. Wow, if that is true its really hard to believe. My guess is he had them made, gave them to friends as gifts and those people ended up selling them and thats how they got on ebay etc.
  11. Craig, I left around 9am saturday morning. We had to drive south to Cincinnatti to my parents house for lunch. We can catch each other at new philly. Some killer CA's Mike. You got some keepers there. Everyone, Mike had some great deals on marbles, look him up! Kevin, yep, slags were one of the first things I focused on when I first started collecting. I still like a nice cork and a handmade from time to time. I never did the peltier thing other than a few comics and patches.
  12. Holiday inn in Worthington Ohio, just a few minutes north of Columbus. Lot's of places to eat, the nicest grocery I've ever been to was right across the street. The hotel was nice and big, a lot of walking. Room trading on 2 floors. Most of the action happened thursday afternoon and thursday evening. Handmades seemed to over power everything else at this show. I didnt see too many nice peltiers for sale and Akro seemed few and far between. Jabos were everywhere, enough Jabos for christ sakes Picked up a super mint MFC white slag over 7/8'. It's a real gem in hand. I also got a big alternating yellow and white double ribbon latticino from smitty. Met some nice folks, and ran into some from the past which was a big suprise, steve the slag guy and colonel charles. CA MIKE had a shit load of marbles for sale. He's got a nice collection, someone said he bought 7 guinea's 2 over an inch mint onions 2 almost two inch handmades olive green MFC 7/8 and the brown in massive over 1-1/4 [
  13. Craig, pee wee CA and super large MFC are my favorite.
  14. people are actually bidding on those? Wow, and they are 3/4 inch as well
  15. Craig, bring those slags and I will buy some I will be there thursday afternoon w/ 4 year old daughter, easy to spot.
  16. the cities name is spelled out w/ the marbles
  17. I would think Alan would have been able to see it. The feedback/bidding on this paticular lot looked odd though. I would like to know the story on how it was found from the original seller on Ebay who sold it for $77.00 Bo, i dunno, I bet much of the marbles worth a damn are already in circulation. I would imagine there are still coffee cans and boxes sitting around in an attics here or there but most of the stuff is sitting in collections and we have to wait until those are split apart. I think many of the marbles we see are just changing hands over and over and over again. Anyone out there finding anything good in the wild at garage sales, flea markets or antique malls? That one dude found some nice CA slags in a jar at a antique mall recently but i have not heard of any other good finds. It's few and far between since Ebay got popular. I would be willing to guess there are a lot of handmades in Europe sitting around.
  18. Hey Scott, Why don't you do another special late night run and bring the marbles to the columbus show or better yet, load the machine up in a u-hall and bring it to the show
  19. I think the description said there was another big one out there is circulation, maybe Kokoken has it? I find it odd there are only 2 around. I wonder who bought this one for $5800.00 and are they happy with it?
  20. How was it? i heard CA Mike was there buying up everything
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