lime green top from Griff, yellows from Les Jones, Aqua and clear from Bill Bass, small brown from Charles and Diane, small light green from Brian Estepp, small purple from MarbleAlan
oh speaking of tequela, it was a treat to watch Bill Bass show off one of Les Jones wind up Tin toys to the group of people who drank the bottle of tequela, I think they had switched to beers by then
without releasing names, there were 2 dealers traveling together to the show, they got 125 miles away from the house and one looked at the other and said, oh shit, did we grab my marble cases... They had to go all the way back to get them.. that's an extra 250 miles hahaha
The remainder of the les jones collection is at this show, some nice marbles and boxes
Griff brought his Akro find and it's being picked through. I saw one guy buy 3 - 3/4 mint purple popeyes from the find.
Everett Grist gave me a free copy of his hardback book for helping him unload his van. I think he brought every marble ever made, you should see the big foot lockers full of marbles he brought with him.
I just spoke w/ Chuck who is putting on this show. He is expecting 4 large collections to be sold at this show and anywhere from 25-30 rooms so it looks like a great show. I will be arriving Thursday.
Country Inn & Suites
5150 Hickory Point Frontage Rd
Decatur, IL 62526
Out-of-state enthusiasts will mingle with aficionados from all over Central Illinois to create a wall-to-wall collectible marble experience. Room trading begins on the 2nd. Table space limited - $25 each. Final show starts Saturday at 9:00 AM and may last later than 2 PM. There will be a prize for the ugliest marble. Author of 3 marble books, Steve Sturtz of New York, will be on-hand for signatures throughout the event. Free to the public all three days.
free/handicapped accessible
For more information call 217-422-8454
anyone going this year?
Pride of the Prairie Show
Dates: November 5-9, 2009
City: Decatur, IL
Location: Country Inn and Suites 217-872-2402
Show Contact: Chuck Garrett 217-422-8454
I've been thinking about coming and now I hear 500 popeyes! I will be there. I was thinking about staying on the strip at Planet Hollywood to be in the middle of the action but I think I will stay at the hotel of the show or the Golden Nugget. I've never been to Vegas before so this is going to be interesting. I found non stop flights from Louisville which makes it even better.