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Everything posted by BobandPat

  1. I recently found these 3 baby blue corks.... 2 have found a new home though. Nice marbles for Akros. ;-)
  2. Lots of throw em in the flower garden marbles. LOL
  3. Thank you everyone! Pat and I went to the last big flea market today and had a great time. Bob
  4. That would be a nice even trade, because you both are equally very talented. Bob
  5. Joe, you should try to make it to the Badger show.... we could double team him and give him a run for his money and his marbles. LOL Bob
  6. Thanks Joe! Always enjoy your show reports.... next time, no pictures of Art please, just his marbles. Bob
  7. Nice ones Mike! I like "one".... that one, and that one, and that one.... LOL Bob
  8. Hope you're having a great day Steve, with many more to come! Bob
  9. This one glows quite nicely. Bob
  10. We had some fast storms come through a few days ago. This was something I had never seen before... kinda looks like all that's left of the top of a tornado. Our sirens did go off a couple of times, but no confirmed sightings. This was just before sundown. Bob
  11. Hope you don't mind Duffy.... I cleared up the picture a little for these beauties.
  12. I have one that's about 3/4 of an inch Migbar gave me. It's on the same green base with thin yellow and blue swirls. I don't have any pics of it, but can get some shots later if anyone is interested. Bob
  13. Or you can phone me at BR549 for more help on the subject.
  14. O.K. I'll be the first to take a shot at it.... first 6 (2 rows of 3 vertically) are new, the other 2 patches on the right are old. Bob
  15. Here you go Gene... sorry to hear what happened.My link Bob
  16. Look at one and cross your eyes.... helps me every time. Bob
  17. Frederick Nottmiller would be proud Mike. That red one is great, but I like the orange one too. Bob
  18. Very cute! How's Grammy and Grampy doing? Bob
  19. Steph is absolutely right.. It will take approximately (8) 1/2 inch, (4 3/32) 5/8 inch, (2 3/8) 3/4 inch, and (1 1/2) 7/8 inch marbles to make a one inch marble. I have to take a nap now. :-) Bob
  20. How about 7.994961063 1/2 in. mibs to equal one 1 in. mib. :-)
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