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Everything posted by BobandPat

  1. LOL... That was fun, let's do another one. Bob
  2. Looks like it says Fank Jarr to me Charles... glad I could help. Nice marble though. Bob
  3. Here's a quick pic of mine for those who haven't seen one. Gene, I emailed several shots that I hope will suffice. I didn't measure it, but is shooter size. Bob
  4. Galen is right about the tripod.... the little table top units are reasonalbly priced and do a wonderful job.
  5. I spoke with a guy Friday that bought one not long ago. He allready owns Canon DSLR's and pro lenses, but wanted a smaller take everywhere camera. He took it to a Bears game and said it was just great... he loves it. On the other hand he didn't say anything about the macro mode.... I personally wouldn't worry about the battery situation or the fact that it doesn't have a view finder. Bob
  6. Happy Birthday Buddy! Hope it's a "gud un". Bob
  7. 2268 looks like Multi Color Swirl colors Mike.... and that last one just plain kicks butt. Bob
  8. You might even want to come to a meeting, there's one the end of this month.... and all are welcome to attend. There's usually 10 to 20 members show up plus a walk-in or two. It's just a couple minutes north of Madison. Here's the link for the web site.. http://www.badgermarbleclub.com/links.html It's like a mini marble show, so bring some to show, trade, or sell. We have loads of fun! Bob
  9. I'll take the new..... I feel the need for speed! Bob
  10. Hey Rick, 9mm's are for pussies. LOL Oh I forgot, I've got one around here somewhere my sister gave me. Colt custom shop Gov. model .45 is my baby. To make it a legit post, "marbles rule" Boo-Yah
  11. Here's one of Pats contemps.... Bob
  12. Migbar (Mikey B.) told me that the metalic/pearl look on this old one was the result of being underground for so many years. It started life as a normal black on white PPP. Bob
  13. O.K., O.K..... Here are some with a couple acme realers and a bruiser thrown in for good measure. The black and white in the lower left corner is kinda different... it zig zags all the way around and the tips pass each other on the back side. Now if I can remember how to post a pic.... Bob
  14. The bib didn't work.... had to get a beach towel. I'm going to hang on to these pics for sure. Wonderful display! Bob
  15. I'll put my bib on when I see them. Can't wait. Bob
  16. I agree Edna.... Nobody. Bob
  17. Mike is the best... in so many ways! Bob
  18. Dang Steph... Great work! Do you think you could find out anything about an ancestor of mine from 16th century England named Sir Bob the Great.... Think he invented the wheel or something? Bob
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