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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Then there is this one…
  2. Well, you started it, so it’s only fitting😬 of course I have to send the video to my wife, who will curse you🥴
  3. Houze ashtray on ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/364174231145?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SDMkhMXeSTK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Slingshot ammo…🙃
  5. “FUNKY”🤣🤣🤣 one of my favorite words. you are dating yourself🙃🙃🙃
  6. nope, my only one. I sold the others at the last local show.
  7. I pulled the lighter out of my stand.
  8. California should be thankful of the cold weather. They would be experiencing massive flooding if it was warm, with 200%+ of normal snowpack.
  9. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/04/04/record-march-cold-over-the-western-u-s-and-northern-plains/ don’t put your plants out!!!
  10. AKRO did make them, listed in Hardy’s AKRO reference book. Others also made them, but with a different profile. Need to dig out my book to list the details. I believe Houze was the other maker, using a round profile. AKRO has flat-sided panels.
  11. Tried that, it tends to get soft when it’s warm.
  12. I had a 1” patch oxblood I sold on eBay maybe 12 years ago for $125 if I remember right.
  13. Car ashtrays. They have a suction cup to stick to the dashboard. They also had metal tops but I have yet to find one.
  14. Yes, some glow… newer ones have aluminum inserts.
  15. The second has Vitro vibes but the base color makes me think foreign… the first is essentially a 2-vane cat.
  16. Art. I’ve had singles, sold for $10 each. I would assume limited editions badge would be worth more per mib. I think I’ve got a couple more, but not nearly as good looking as the ones in the listed bag. I’ll dig into my stash and see what I find.
  17. Rooting around the storeroom and found these 2. The 2-vane yellow is 15/16”, the blue/green base is 7/8”. Thinking the second is foreign, no idea on the first.
  18. I’ve had a few, reasonable price for a collector bag
  19. I got some marbles from my ex’s mother-in-law estate when she passed. Vacor meteors, that started the obsession. just like I got my grandfathers pocket knives, same result.
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