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Everything posted by winnie

  1. I guess i was thinking of bleeding of the blue over white,maybe thats not possible? Ric shows some with light blue base and i thought mine has perhaps a light blue base,or is it just bleeding,well it's late here i'm not sure of anything right now.
  2. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    Thanks Bob it works,fun to see all the products,enough food choise there. Here are pic- of the products of the amsterdam market. https://www.google.nl/search?q=albert+cuypmarkt&rlz=1C1GGGE_nlNL394&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=6QUzVNTSHKfd7QbKuoDQBw&ved=0CEUQsAQ
  3. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    Galen,i can't open your second link.
  4. Here are some light blue base Vitro's that i found in Holland,it may be that the blue is smeared over the white base?
  5. I can see they're in love. Ric,is that baby blue base unusual?Your avatar (right spelling?) makes me laugh
  6. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    Amsterdam has about 5 large markets,from my home it's not a quick stroll,i go 2 or 3 times a week to one of the markets for fresh fruit-vegetables-cheese and fish. The choise there is vast much more extensive and usually cheaper than shopping centers. http://www.amsterdam.info/shopping/albert_cuypmarkt/
  7. I've no clue what it is,i was hoping you knew,i've never seen one like it,it looks older,might be an early Vacor?? I stiil think the other two colors in jellow transparant base are newer marbles.
  8. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    Can only speak for myself and the people i know. We don't cook from scratch but as fresh as possible. Not much instant food but sometimes it's easy. For example a grilled chicken on a spit is prepared food but fresh isn't it? Soup we make ourselves using fresh herbs and ingredients. If we don't like to cook or in a hurry,we buy chinese or thay take away dinners from restaurants,hoping they're fresh LOL. I don't know how it is where you live Steph but Amsterdam is multi cultural,so you can buy here almost all kind of food from all over the world. I think Dani is a great cook,it looks delicious.
  9. Sidenote: one of my favorite marbles when I was a kid was a wirepull (and as I remember it) the white had a solid opaque blue stripe on either side of the 'ribbon', instead of just one side . Almost every one I've seen since, the color only on one side of the white. Like this one?
  10. There are 3 different wirepull type's. #1=clear base with a white and colored ribbon. #2=colored base with a white ribbon. #3=clear base with a colored ribbon. There are a few exeptions but they are rare,such as a clear base with a white and 2 colored ribbons. Now that i'm writing this,i come to the conclusion that the marbles of the second pic-do not fit the 3 different types.Indeed,they have a yellow tinted base with a white and colored ribbon. They don't belong with my wirepulls LOL. Ann if you had not asked how i think about it,than i would not have thought of it,Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the input,Yeah thats funny,i've always thought they're new marbles and now i'm starting to doubt a little......
  12. Think the wirepulls in the first pic- are made in Amsterdam. The wirepulls in the second pic-,they look a lot like the Amsterdam ones,but i have a suspicion they are made by Vacor.The base glass of the first pic- is clear,while the "Vacors are a bit yellow tinted. Do any of you know if Vacor made this wirepull type,maybe pictures?
  13. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    LOL that looks cosy Bob,anything to clear,it's not how i think about it,but how people here generally are thinking. I'm not a great cook myself,lucky for me my husband likes to cook.
  14. Thats a great picture LIoyd,i like sky pic-,here's one taken from my window.
  15. winnie

    Pasta Poll

    Might be a prejudice but Dutch think about Americans that they almost never cook for themselves exept Thanksgiving Day,and use ready-made meals and take away dinners,anyway i don't get the impression here. By the way i like Asian noedels and Italian pasta's,but not the elbow and shell things.
  16. Sorry,i'm wrong,the bags you can buy now looks different. http://www.ebay.de/itm/DDR-Murmeln-Glas-aus-Ilmenau-in-OVP-/221415685852?pt=DDR_Ostalgie&hash=item338d673edc
  17. I don't know what it is with those German bags,you still can buy them on ebay Germany as much as you want.
  18. or fairly normal? The pattern looks like a patch with 2 ribbons running from one side of the patch to the other side of the patch.
  19. winnie


    You're right Galen,i've them with much better pontils. I bought them to learn from it.
  20. About the Sparklers,i'm not sure where they have been made,my feeling is that they have been made in France. I have not seen them in original packaging marked Germany. I've seen them in French packaging. In the article about Veiligglas,i've read that no marbles were made in Germany after the war,that in Europe marbles were made only in France and Netherlands. When i talk to people in France who have knowledge about glass,they tell me that after WW11 machien made marbles have been made in France,so...... The most confusing thing about Sparklers is ,there'more than one type. Pictures not mine
  21. Well,I'll no longer call them Euro swirls,from now on i call them Amsterdam wirepulls and swirls. I think it will take a while before this name is is accepted and normal. Euro swirls sounds better but is unfortunately confusing.
  22. Awfully good,i'm curious about the results,it seems fun to see something of your marble collection.
  23. winnie


    LOL after seeing the comments,the Bulgarians promise their pontils better off working.
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