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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Sorry,I don't want to argue with all of you,and i do not feel the need to defend German marbles,but what i read in previous posts,i can not agree with. Germany has made many different 2.seam slag type's,you can hardly imagine,regularly i come across new type's 2.seam slags. Good quality glass and less quality. Straight lines from seam to seam and swirling lines from seam to seam. Gaps between the seams and closed seams. 2 seam slags and 1 seam slags. Hopefully these pic- will give an idea of the different 2.seam slags made in Germany.
  2. patch,no clue who made it. Mushroom,think it's Japanese and maybe the patch is related to this one,same colors. Some Euro swirls
  3. Today i saw your bird buddy shopping in the market for fish.
  4. whisplers,is that what they are called,if i remember well,i've heard that name before.
  5. It's a pity that there is no telling what kind of glassware was made in that article. I don't think it has been made in a mold,than you should see a seam.
  6. Yes Netherlands,the land of tulips and wooden shoes,and other more exciting stuff.
  7. I'm wondering,if we were such a large buyer of American marbles,where did they go LOL,i can hardly find them here. Maybe they arrived in the harbor and Netherlands sent them to other European countries.
  8. You've done well Galen,If i had not read they're Alley's,i would think there are 1 or maybe 2 Akro's in the group. The one on top second from right and on bottom second from right??
  9. in a Dutch newspaper of 1951. Translation. From Clarksburg in W.Virginia (USA) comes 90% of world production of glass marbles. Daily shipments leave the factories to all parts of the world. With the Master glass factory it happens that on 1 day marbles went to Iran--Netherlands--Belgium--South Africa and Argentina. Before the war,The Netherlands and Belgium were the largest customers in Europe. Also the industry takes the glass marbles off,for example,reflective letters and numbers on signs. Note: it is understandable that after the war,the Netherlands was no longer the largest buyer,afterall they made themselves marbles.
  10. Me too began to suspect you like them,very nice handmades!!
  11. Europe also has made a sort of brain marble. I really didn't know that America had made such a marble type aswell.
  12. He was a sweet puppy. One of my favorite flowers,violets,they grow on my balcony.
  13. I found a pic- of my Japanese marbles,at least that's what i think they are,i think they look like yours.
  14. I don't think it's German made. It looks like an old marble,if it's not American made it might be Japanese.
  15. Ann we typed at the same time,and thinking about the same on this issue LOL
  16. I know that you and Mike have read a lot of Peltier paperwork,and there fore i can understand that you think it's not done intentionally and maybe thats true,but i still may find it hard to believe that it happened by accident,especially because it's done so nicely. Couldn't it be possible that the use of aventurine glass was not important enough to mention,or maybe they wanted to keep it secret.Only a thought LOL
  17. Hi Derrick,thanks,good to see you post.
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