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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Back in time with this tribute to Pink Floyd album.
  2. Thank,those are fine examples,actually the maker is unknown??
  3. Thats a very nice one Galen! I think those colors are unusual?It appears to be a flaming time.
  4. Ha Ha,I would be a language miracle?On the contrary,i have a lot of trouble to express myself in English. And the language machiene often gives very strange translations,that gives me not much help.
  5. It's 5/8,and has dark red fine lines,might be ox-,i'm not sure..
  6. Thats a nice one Mon,i'm curious about the maker. I don't have red transp- slags,i've #1 Japanese one, which is more red translucent.
  7. If it's possible i would really like to see those red slags with a nice nine and tail.
  8. Thanks Ron,thats not what i meant,i would like to know which marble,the first from Pedidoll or mine looks like Champion?
  9. Think I find the same amount of transparant ones (slags) as opaque ones. Lately i find more red/white opaques than other colored opaques. How do you call your opaque ones?? Surely they are not slags like the transparant ones. Here's one with av,do you find them?
  10. I have several marbles with yellow or white ribbons in clear glass between my Amsterdam swirls. The yellow is somewhat more creamy in the amsterdam swirls. Here's one I found in my files,it's a bit busier than yours but i've them less busy aswell.
  11. Mibs,WOW the paper mache look like real Christmas decoration balls,i'd like them to hang out in my tree,beautiful. Ann thats a nice one,is it Alley?
  12. I not even want to try to count my caged ones,but i think you win.
  13. sorry,the green/white 5/8 opaque ones are here. and an 1 inch blue/green on white.
  14. Here're 2 swirls that look like handgathered slags.
  15. You are right about Galens picture no one really corks (is that a word,well you know what i mean). My marble looks exactly like an odd corkscrew. Your right marble in the picture looks like a miror,nice picture!!One thing I know for sure my marble is not Vacor LOL.
  16. It's nice to see pictures of your marbles Steph Asian
  17. Yes Bob there is a brown stripe in the black,forgot to mention it,do you think it says something about the maker? I'm at a point now that i believe it's a Jabo.I see some brown striping in the Jabo's Galen posted. And yes,you saw it good,the blue is reflection from the window light.
  18. Sometimes the later Akro slags give me a bit of trouble to distinguish from swirls (and vice versa),mainly when i don't see a cut-off line. Do you think there is always a visible cut-off line on later Akro slags?
  19. My birthday was last week,it was a surprise to get them on that date. This one is 5/8
  20. It was worth it to get up early!!
  21. No,not a marble art thread,it's holding back many people to post,that would be a pity,because there are many people here who make beautiful pictures. The calender thread is fun,it is accessible to everyone. Maybe a new calender thread next year? Amsterdam wirepulls made by Veiligglas
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