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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. I agree,and it doesn't explain why i don't find the red/white marbles with a "pinched pontil"in Germany. All the ones i own are found here in Holland and in England,they have all kind of cut off's,some have a smooth surface,others have a short straight cut off ,or a long straight cut off,or a spidery cut off,i have a few with a "pin pontil".like the point of a pencil.
  2. Those red/white marbles are more complicated than i thought they were. If the last box,the Akro carnelians are American made,than my transitionals with small short straight cut off's,of which i thought were German made, appear to be American made.Only thing is i find them here in other colors aswell. The different cut offs might not mean what we thought until now though.....
  3. Hansel,if you have them both in your hand,the Peltier prima and the American agate,they are indistinquishable from each other? The Peltier prima's they are handgathered?
  4. Can't see the cut off. If it has a sort of spidery cut off ,it's called Japanese.Yours looks a bit translucent,is it? Here's one which is translucent with a straight cut off,mine is German.
  5. blue and green for boys and girls,pink for girls and gay's,and brown?? Got this from a Dutch collector.
  6. Actually i don't know if there has been more attention for handmades lately,i think i'm more open for them at this moment. I'm more of a machien made collector,although i've a lot of handmades,till now i was not interested in them,other than i thought they look beautiful.
  7. Want to let you all know,that i learn a lot lately about handmades. I now look with different eyes at my handmades and discover all sort of things i did not notice before. Until now i thought they were beautiful but boring,LOL they aren't boring at all.
  8. Here you can see clearly the ghost core,they're tiny little air bubbles in the core of the marble,as i understand it's fairly common.
  9. Thanks Galen for taking the time to make the pic-,i enjoy all the nines, you have some beauties!! I see you have the so called "Canadians",i've never found them here so i don't think they're European,so maybe Roger B is right about his theory,as beeing made in Canada,with a change that they're American made. That large green one down is interesting,do you think it's the oldest?
  10. No not Dutch,it's not mine,saw it on ebay France. Think the package is French,jouets means toys. The text on the right side is also French. I can imagine that Vitro has made marbles for the French market,but --produce of France--say to me ,that the origin is French,which is strange.
  11. Confusing isn't it? I would believe France has made machien made marbles after the war,but not this type,it's American made.
  12. Hundreds really? I'm curious. Oldmarble,great nines!!
  13. Looks like Vitro. Produce of France?? Think it's strange.
  14. found this one in my photo files.
  15. Wow,very nice!! I'm beginning to believe that they're kind of "rare"or scarce,because so little is posted LOL.
  16. Good to know,it's a real gem!!
  17. The blue/green one is very nice,sorry for asking is it Bulgarian?
  18. Here's another one,it's from the mid 20s,yours is missing one arm.
  19. It's a funny game!! I think from 1880-- 1890 or so...
  20. With this song Netherlands will represent the Euro song contest,what do you think,sounds a bit like country music,isn't it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmqOJvCQsoo
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