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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Happy birthday,hope it's a good one.
  2. Thanks Galen. Mike there were 2 striped transp-,at least if you can call the blue based with red stripes a striped transp-. And 4 striped opaques. there were newer marbles Euro swirls and a few Pelt rainbo's and 1 handmade. I'll take later on 1 more picture.
  3. Thanks, This one was also in the batch.
  4. Ann,i think mine too,although...i'm not sure,i've always struggled to choose a favorite LOL.
  5. Thanks guys, Here's another one from that same batch,it's 7/8,and has some nice ox- red stripes,and also debris.
  6. Got this one in a group of old marbles from Germany,it's a hair over 7/8. I was told it's from 1920. I didn't know that they have made them so colorful,it has debris in it.
  7. That's the sweetest Vitro cat i've ever seen.
  8. I'd like to think like Steph,the benefit of the doubt,and i did for awhile, but isn't it strange that we have seen them only in the past year for the first time? On the other hand,we knew and saw nothing of what happened there in the 60s. One thing i do know they will do almost anything to get money,as we have already experience in Netherlands.
  9. I hesitated between MK and Asian,so could be MK... Thought of Vacor africa,they have no glass shine,they're very dull,but of course i could be wrong.
  10. Yes i know what you mean,here we have also some flea markets with almost all collectable items (as you say antique venue) and no new items.
  11. First pic-The brown/red marble is new Vacor and i think the yellow blue white one is Asian.
  12. Nice setup Chuck,is there much demand for marbles at a flea market? This was my latest marble find,it's 1 inch,and i found some old toys from the 50s.
  13. WOW chuck,incredible to find so much beauties in 1 sale!!
  14. Have not found them yet,i'll certainly continue searching.
  15. That monkey face is stunning! And the ghost is spooky!
  16. LOL i'm glad you like it,Euroburst it is!
  17. Eurobursts,thats a good one,actually quite obvious,they look more Sunburstish than Sparklerish (are these words?).
  18. It's obvious foreign but it doesn't look like the Euro sparkler or Sunbursts that i find here,so far i've only found this 2 in one batch,it's a new type for me. Steph,i've thought of a striped transparante but all the stripes they go from one seame to the other seam,there's no looping.
  19. Chuck the one on the right looks interesting the construction looks like Peltier but i think the colors are different. Here are some fig8 for comparison.
  20. Thought to share them. 15/16 and 1 inch,with lots of aventurine. Kind of sparkler type or Sunburst type?
  21. I've a few uncolored clear bullet molds,i've always thought mine were used for glass bottles,as a sort of stopper.....
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