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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Jeeperman,the purple and green one is special! Mike a beautiful bunch of cosmic rainbows. Bob i like the way you photograph your marbles,it's so unusual in a good way,they are little stories. Here's a Vitro and a 7/8 Asian cat's.
  2. My post was not referring to you but more generally. I know most collectors do not like cats,in fact a few years ago i had an aversion of cat;'s myself. Well as you can see that has changed,i enjoy to make pictures of them. Nice Vitro's Marboman.
  3. cat'seyes are not worthless,when you can pick up the unusual ones,they can be very photogenic.
  4. I wonder,is it possible that an experienced marble collector can not tell if a machien made marble is polished? Let me rephrase this,is it always clear to see the difference between a polished and unpolished machien made marble??Just curious.
  5. I'm with Steph on this,pic-#4 looks a little bit like calligraphy,but to me Al's marble the O and R, and the first pic- LOL, they look the most calligraphic. Sorry i don't see calligraphy in the busy Alley swirls.
  6. Hi Dan,Think Galen is right with the fractures,Here's a German slag,it has glittering inside,it looks just like mica. I think it has some kind of inner fractures,just like yours.
  7. LOL,when i saw this marble,i thought it looks like a chinese character,but apparently it has nothing to do with calligraphy marbles?? Oh now i understand after seeing Al's marble,it must be real letters or numbers. Please post some more,if you have them.
  8. I believe they are also called calligraphy marbles?? I would be very happy if you post them. Maybe this is one?
  9. The ones i have posted do not have pontils they have shear marks,not always visible,so they've nothing to do with the regular-ground or melted pontil ones,they're a different type,made probable in Germany-Japan and maybe Canada. Before i join the marble forums,i used to call the transparant ones handgathered slags and the opaques handgathered swirls. Well i didn't know then that the same marble type's were made in different countries,one can put the country of origin before the name. How about that,or are those names already given away for another type? Oh yes,i know as long as they're mine,i may call them whatever i like LOL.
  10. If rough cutoffs are the criterion why both these type's are called transitionals,than 1/3 of the marbles showed here have no name at all,because they don't have visible cutoffs,they have a smooth surface,thats also a bit strange.
  11. Think it's a strange name for a marble. There are Japanese-German and American transitionals but only the foreign ones are given that name. Moreover the transparant and the opaques are both called transitionals,thats what strikes me the most,it's confusing. IMO the transparant ones are handgathered slags. The opaques,also handgathered,deserve a better name,it's own name.Any thoughts? Here's an example of both.
  12. If you have a bad mood and you look at your marbles and all your worries disappear like snow in the sun, LOL kind of legal dope.
  13. Some new swirls,thinking all are Vacor.
  14. Hope he didn;'t fall of the gate.
  15. When i first looked at Rogers blue/orange ones,i thought the same as Edna,some Jabo glittering. Here are 3 Euro swirls with strange stuff in the orange. I don't kow,i really do not see much similarity but i also don't see similarity with Ravenswood so......
  16. I use to call all the transparant swirls that i found here in Holland Wirepulls but that was too confusing for me,so i made a difference,the clear uncolored based ones with one or 2 streams i call Wirepulls and the ones with a colored transparant base,i call transparant Euro swirl. Here are some of the transparant Euro swirls.
  17. Here more of the strange patches,mostly i find them in batches from the 70s,some might be a little older. Is it boring yet?
  18. Yes all Asian,exept for the beautiful handmades and the lemonades. BTW nice cat's eye
  19. The fore going marbles i could place a little bit,but here i get lost,maybe you folks too. When i start to collect marbles this patches confused me the most and some of them still do,some of them have a Vitro look. only thing i can say they're all probable Asian and colorful. Good to hear Stacy,hope to solve a few more.
  20. Great bags Al,i wonder how many of the marbles in those bags i have.
  21. This is another Asian type,don't know where they've been made,Japan-India-China?? Don't kow if they're real patches,patch and ribbon style? Some are real nice with neat seams,but most of them are sloppy made. This are some nicer ones
  22. Me also think they're Japanese. I've tried to enlarge Stephs first box,they look the same as my first box. Here are the Japanese pinchers,how do we know so sure they have been made in Japan?? Pictures not mine
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