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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. I came across this. picture is not mine.
  2. Yes,they can make you confused,they did it to me LOL,especially since they have good quality glass.
  3. At least a little, or much?? Most have a clear glass base,some have a tinted clear base,almost all have wispy white,with an opaque multy colored sort of patch on the surface. I find them here in marble groups from the 50's-60's. See them sometimes on Ebay go for Master Sunburst.
  4. Very nice,beautiful pattern and that size ,think it';s special.Why would you sell it if you fell in love with it?
  5. I need my sunglasses to look at all those nice sparkling marbles.
  6. Paul i had seen that video,that was on TV here,and than i thought those are Japanese. Thanks Hansel,Those Illmenau cat's are different from my German cat's and also different from the 2 under on the right corner of the tin box. I quess i'm the only one on earth who thinks that sort of cat's eyes are made before WW11.LOL
  7. Yes you both are right,when i first saw the marbles on TV,i said to my husband,this is not good,there are newer Japanese cat's in the box,it's not possible Anne has played with them. Then i saw this picture of the box and i look close,saw 2 "German"cat's in the right corner,turquoise and green,of which i think are made before WW11,but thats an supposition. Cees do you have proof this "German"cat's are made in Ill menau in the early 50's,any packed? More German cat's
  8. On this picture of Anne's marbles,i see some German cat's eyes. I've always believed these are from the 30s. In most of the old marble groups (beforeWW11) that i've found here in Holland,they have some German cat's between them. Anne's tin box Here are some of my German cat's
  9. Anne has had the marbles in its possession when she lived on the Merwede place,she lived there until 1942,so the marbles are from before 1942. I noticed the cat's eyes (looks Japanese),i don't no what to think about it. Toosje Kupers said: she stored them in a closet.Only for the grandchildren they were taken out occasionally,. She don't say her grandchildren have played with them,but you never know.
  10. There is found a box with marbles which belonged to Anne Frank. If you click on NOS on the right side you will see the marbles. http://nos.nl/artikel/605805-knikkers-anne-frank-opgedoken.html
  11. Hi Bob,I'll buy the cubes for my grandsons,might be an alternative for their computer games addiction.LOL
  12. It is increasingly different to distinquish them from the older ones. http://www.ebay.com/itm/vintage-hand-made-53-64-marble-pontil-mint-/321305763967?pt=Marbles&hash=item4acf50e07f
  13. So sweet those Alley's or CAC LOL. I have to say some of them reminds me of Euro swirls.
  14. I really like them Andrea,and i'm not much of a handmade collector,but these are so unusual.
  15. Stefan,the value of these European marbles,you have to decide yourself,there are few price comparisons,thats different with American marbles.
  16. Sorry Hansel,these very rare and one of a kind are priceless. 25 jan
  17. Bob,what ever your reasons are to make those pictures,those pictures are just very nice to look at,to me they're little stories,keep it up!!
  18. I've always liked them,when i was young i use to put them in jars as deco-. Than about 15 years ago i sent a portion to America to Dell Morgan,he had an auction at that time,he sold them for me. I sent him a second portion and regretted it and begged him to sent them back,which he did,from that time i was hooked.
  19. Ron,The German striped transparant it looks more like a Sunburst type,i believe Germany has made them aswell. The Euro swirl (opaque),i do not think it's an Euro swirl. The Euro sparkler in green base is a nice marble but i really don't know if it is one. Your German striped transp- on the left side,i don't recognize it as a sriped transp-.
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