Yes,the long straight cut-off are sometimes curved at the end,but so are the short lines.
Actually all the cut-offs look slightly different from each other,no two are quite the same.
On top:2 spidery cut-offs,the left one has a second color,not oxblood.
in the middle:2 short straight line cut-offs.
bottom:left one has a long straight line cut-off,right one is almost smooth,because the shears was sharp.
Hansel,I might think that your solitaire game without the marbles are made in England.
They look the same as the marbles in my box,except second marble from top looks like a fig8.
100 Japanese transitionals in box.
I've looked at all the cut off's and they are all different,spider cut off's--long straight cut off's and short lines.
Some of the marbles are almost smooth on the surface.
So it seems my suspicion that this kind of marbles are all made in one country,seems to be true.
They are exactly the same that i find here.
The stuff in the yellow--red and orange swirls and wirepulls looks more like debris (contaminant?) and it sparkles a bit.
The green looks different and doesn't sparkle perhaps caused due to the same reason?
Here you can see the orange and green stripes next to each other in one marble.
Galen,thats something i've never thought of,so you think it's possible,the stuff in green in the Euro swirls is similar to the stuff in orange in the wirepulls?
It's also visible in the red and yellow in wirepulls and also in Euro swirls.
I think not only MFC -Akro or old German marbles do have oxblood glass.
Here are some Euro swirls which i think have oxblood glass.And i think it's made on purpose.
Hansel,That blue cat's eye om the board looks a colored base??
Almost all my cat's have a clear base.
I've a few colored based ones,blue and light blue--green and light green,and brownish caramel.
here's a green base and a blue base.
Hi Ric,good to see you posting.
Nice swirls you've got there.
If i could find them here,i would almost think that they're Euro swirls.
Are they Alley's?