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Everything posted by winnie

  1. The second pic- could also be a rattle made of clear celluloid material. My rattle has on the bottom a sort of eye,wich a cord or ribbon can be attached. I think the baby on your pic- has a cord in one hand and the rattle in the other hand,if he/she moves the ball the swan moves aswell. celluloid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celluloid
  2. Although it looks like some sort of marble,i can't imagine a mother gives it to her baby,it,s too dangerous. I'll go for some sort of rattle.LOL i think we will never know for sure. This rattle is from my celluloid collection.It has a swan inside.
  3. Paul,the middle row,second from right the white/pink,i've never seen before,nice collage!! here're some new acquisitions.
  4. I've never heard or read that hand-mades with bright colors have been made in England. I've heard of English style colors,why one would call it that way,ive no clue.
  5. Nice Galen! Paul,i think the purple/white and green in varying shades are the most common,because i find them here also more often than other color combo's ,ofcourse could be coincidense. Here're some euro swirls.
  6. Beautiful China's Hansel!! I don't need to know about big bob and the twins LOL. No longer mine.
  7. Was looking in my German toy catalog from 1924-1926,found this,they were stocked in 10 different sizes,the largest 40mm.
  8. Ann,i wouldn't say the bands are raised from the surface,i have it with my other Indian swirl,and actually they look similiar to me,exept for the base. Oh wait i just backlight another Indian swirl and the base is kind of transparant purple,so it might be common??
  9. Was looking at my handmades and saw this one,which i thought an Indian swirl,my other Indians do have a black opaque base,this one has a blue transparant base,is it still an Indian swirl or a banded transparant?
  10. I've googled many times in archieves but so far without result.
  11. Thats a pity Jeroen your grandfather would have known. Hansel,We didn't get those beautiful boxes for good behavior on school,a biblical picture was all we got. In the 50's Netherlands was still very poor,caused by the war. We got from family cheap Japanese toys and we got some old stock pre war beautiful German toys. I can't remember if the marbles were sold in boxes,i don't think so. The only packed marbles which i remember as a child were sold in crocheted bags,they had clearies or opaque marbles in them, i think they were old stock left overs from Germany. Here is such a bag.The clearies do have pontils
  12. We were playing in the 50's in Amsterdam with:clays--handmades--cat'seyes--Vitro victory and transitionals the opaques and transparant ones. Maybe there were more type's that i can't remember,oh there were some swirls but don't know were they have been made.
  13. Thanks Mike,here's another pic-,so thats a trait of an Onionskin, . Do they all have a visible inner core?I do have some onions where i can hardly or not at all see the inner core. It's a little one,9/16.
  14. I do not know much about handmades,i mean their names. When i first saw this one,i thought a Joseph coat,now i hestitate is it perhaps an Onionskin,because of the panels? Or can Joseph coats have panels aswell?
  15. Good to know BOB. Do you really think there is a remedy, some kind of help?LOL I'll be a little clearer,as long as they're old (an exeption for some cat's) and have a nice pattern and/or nice colors it's okay for me.
  16. Hansel,i enjoy the nice marbles and marble related items very much,that buckle is soo sweet. Here're a mix of oldies. I was just thinking,maybe it's a bit strange but i can't make uo my mind,which marbles do have my preference. I quess i do not have a distinct taste,which marbles concerned LOL.
  17. Isn't he sweet with a marble on the top of his nose and in his hands. And a Joseph coat with black bands,i just read black in handmades are strang,i've no clue why......
  18. Beautiful!!! that marble on the right bottom row,has it aventurine?
  19. Not Dutch,but you're right about the top it looks a bit out of place,i think the same, maybe it was put on after. The clothes on the image resembling Tyrolean costume and was worn in Bavaria and Austria. I think the image could be from 1860-1900. It's strange me too can't imagine there's enough room for 150 marbles and 150 shewing gum.
  20. winnie

    Made In Holland

    Thank you Hansel,it means so much for me, i knew already Veiligglas in Amsterdam has made marbles,but didn't know they were packed. Mine look transparante swirls and yours look more like Wirepulls to me. Now i hope to find those nice opaque Euro swirls in their origenal package.LOL
  21. Here it is Galen. Steph i'm doing pretty well too. I'm looking too for l'histoire des billes de verre,sofar nothing.
  22. Here's a close up. I only want to show how much they look like Master Sunbursts,they can be fooled,as they did me. It was not my intention to confuse,but i get the idea that i did,sorry for that.It's my poor knowledge of English.
  23. Oh yeah,maybe i was not clear enough,but i think mine are foreign,don't know where they have been made.
  24. winnie

    Made In Holland

    I would think so Chuck,it's the first time i see them in their original packaging he he at last.
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