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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Thanks,very helpfull,so anti-blackie's do not need to have black in the base or the patches.
  2. Very nice Edna,you have a super Vitro collection. About the anti-blackie's,i thought i have one which i found in Holland but it's different from Ric's,maybe a reverse blackie?
  3. Nice,with a little imagination it's easy to see,actually with out imagination aswell
  4. This was between my first marble sale of ebay america,i remember when i first saw it,i thought WOW,i loved it.
  5. Yes it helps Dani,i find here in Holland Sunburst type's with cobalt blue transparant base,now i can tell them apart from the real Sunbursts.Thanks.
  6. Thanks BOB,i've inherited from my mom,i have the silver polish,but i'm lazy. I still want to know about the base glass of sunbursts,if thats possible.
  7. I like em,and i wonder,the base glass of transparant Sunbursts are they mostly or always clear uncolored glass,does anyone know?? It seems mine are all clear uncolored glass. Some more.
  8. The last one sure is an euro swirl,they can be opaque or translucent,i think yours is a bit translucent? the euro's i find here are mostly brownish purple/green. Jeeperman you're doing well,once you studied them,it's easy to pick them out of a group,here's a translucent Euro swirl.
  9. Fabrikation or fabrikat,there you can see what kind of glassware they have made. For example:page 30-31,you see Eichhorn & Co, Fabrikat:glasmärble=marble---glasstäbe=cane or rod---christbaumschmuck=christmas decorations---glasofen=furnace----arbeiter=workers You can find marbles on page 30-31----41-42-----45-----65 2 times-----92------104-----274,maybe there are more that i overlooked. Usual when they made doll's eyes and christmas deco,they also have made marbles.
  10. Don't know if you have seen this before,you can flip the pages using the arrows bottom right, it's very extensive,all the products they made are listed,also marbles. http://archive.org/stream/deutschlandsgla00unkngoog#page/n2/mode/2up
  11. Thanks for sharing it Steph,it's so much fun to look at the old add's.
  12. The Euro swirls are sweeeeet! It seems that they're easier to find over there than here in Holland LOL.
  13. Really,or are you kidding? There are some blue/white transparant euro swirls that look like WV swirls but i've not posted them in this thread.
  14. How could we know about your health issues,which is annoying,my husband has just come good through it with good treatment,i hope the same for you.
  15. Very nice,did you find them in America? I wonder how many of you have Euro swirls in your boxes.LOL
  16. Theyre not common at all.They have been made probable in Amsterdam during 1948-1961,i live in Amsterdam but can't find them easely. They were exported to many countries,you can find them in England and Germany aswell,i didn't find them in France. They were also shipped oversea,funny thing is,one of my first marble purchase from Ebay America had an euro swirl in it. Here it is out of America. And here are some other briight Euro's
  17. Very nice one mibstified!! Ann,There are so many color combinations of American marbles,that i don't have,i've learned from the Stones -you can't always get what you want. Galen,what a beautiful box,the Peltiers are not wrong either. The color palette of CAC is more extensive,for example CAC used that nice Persian blue,they used "black"and all shades of yellow and red. There were fewer colors used in the Euro swirls and they used more white in their color combination,thats the way i see it,oh and the color combo's are different,generally the colors are softer,oh yeah i can go on for a long time speaking about colors. Here are some soft pastel colored Euro's
  18. Thank you folks. Here's a muted color swirl And then this swirls,well actually i don't think those are muted colors,but you decide.
  19. Most of the yellow/blue and white swirls are as bright as can be. Most of the blue/red and white ones are bright aswell. The red in the blue/red and white swirls has shimmer in it,just like the wirepulls,it's more like crystallisation. The blue/white swirls can be bright too. Here's a pic- of the bright ones. The green/purple and white swirls,they vary from muted to bright,most of the ones i have are muted. Here are #4 swirls with green,it's not aventurine,it doesn't sparkle in sun light,maybe it has something to do with the temperature of the glass??
  20. Muted colors,can someone explain what it means? I believe it can't be translated into Dutch,so i can't imagine what is meant by it,I quess the opposite of bright/vivid?
  21. His ignorance is your happiness,so i have to be patient.LOL
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