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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. It is neat and after some more ponderings, it came to mind that without the 'what if's' and 'hey, let's try this', we'd miss out on some very fantastic looking marbles. Thinking now on oldmarblenut/Scott's experience this past week, you've just got to go for it when you can and see what happens...experimenting is probably the best way to find out more of the do's and don't's. Seems the most amazing things happen as well. (Just my thoughts and ponderings) Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  2. Hi Mr Chamberlain, I didn't discover marbles until about 2 years ago, so I consider myself a middle-aged kid...lol My husband tells me of his youthful marble days, which ones he liked to use when playing. They're fun and wonderful and I just love learning about them. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  3. I hope she does still have some, those have got to be the cutest, tiniest marbles ever! I would think folks will love an example of your work. And perhaps the sales for Jill would be helpful in these harder times. Being as you aren't able to make any more, which is a sad thought, would it not make these even more special and rarer? (just pondering) Were they your most difficult works? Thanx :-) Felicia
  4. OMG! That sounds like a dream and quite fun too! Looking forward to seeing what came of your adventure Scott. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  5. Absolutely beautiful Bocci! They are so fun to look at, each one having a special quality to its own self. Thank you for sharing. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  6. Ya just gotta love history. That thing looks so small compared to the subs nowadays. Amazing! Thank you for sharing this Carole. Have wonderful day! :-) Felicia
  7. Sorry about that Jane. Yeah, unless marblequeen hasn't updated for awhile, yours is item 54M http://www.marblequeen.com/marbles.htm (I think there is contact information there) Also sorry to see you aren't able to use your hands as well as you used to, your work is so good too! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  8. I found the picture! This came from marblequeen's website (I hope it's ok to post) Aren't they amazing! :-) Felicia
  9. This, to me, is an intriguing marble. I call it my 'day and night' marble. Side one, the lighter/day side, has a soft, wispy cloud-like look about it Side two, the darker/night side, has deeper tones and that sparkly evening starry look Marbles are fun to look at, explore and enjoy. Each one has an artistic quality and I'm always happy to see this art form continue to bring pleasure. It's like having a glass art museum display right in your own home. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :-) Felicia
  10. I say....Very kewl! Thanx for showing them Steph. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  11. I was thinking along the lines of transparent swirls as well but there seem to be more colors/combinations of colors than in a transparent swirl..at least that is how I see it. Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  12. Thank you Brian for the website. It makes me remember watching WVIZ when I lived in Cleveland. Someday, I would like to get one of your oxblood marbles...what a great example it would be to have with my notes. I like that you are making them as close to the old way as possible...keeping it alive. Fabulous! Good luck, I'm sure your sales will go quite well, they are awesome marbles! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  13. Hi Jane, I've seen your website before...fantastic! I've also seen your beautiful, miniature marbles on another site. It's amazing how you can do that! Thanks so much for coming back. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  14. Thank you Edna! It's great to have a visual to understand better. I can see what Gary was talking about. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  15. WOW! Absolutely fantastic! Thank you for showing them. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  16. Ohhhhhh OK...I understand now and yeah, it is way kewl to see every part inside and out...the twists, the turns, the dives..yeah buddy, that's fun stuff! Thanx Gary, have a great day! :-) Felicia
  17. And how do you tell the difference? Thank you and have a great day! :-) Felicia
  18. Great one! It looks sorta soda bottle/genie lamp shaped. Very kewl! :-) Felicia
  19. Thank you Duffy and Wvrons for the information. Wow, there sure is a lot involved, even for a wash. I had to read a few times just to kind of 'catch a clue'. So, with this latest wash and the experimenting that went on with it, it looks like some very amazingly colorful and creative designs came along. Will these experiments, which look quite successful, be used for further runs? I find them all unique and fascinating, perhaps part of that goes with what I had read about Jabo's and no two are alike. I think what is intriguing about most of these are that you can see what's going on inside and outside, which is really really intense to me. It's like a whole new world of marbles. I understand that it is better to see the process to get the full effect and that includes the friendships forged through these runs. It's all truly fantastic! Thanx again and have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  20. I'm trying to get this straight in my head... There was a Joker run then a wash, then an Encore run then a wash, all in April? Where does Duffy's speckled ones come from? And, did both wash-outs have glittery/sparkley stuff? Thanx for the help and have a great day! :-) Felicia
  21. Awwwww sorry to see you couldn't make it to that show zora :-( It's the same marble just a different side and well, we had clouds that day. :-) Felicia
  22. Great pics! I'm pretty sure I don't have any but it's always good to see what one or several looks like. Thanks for sharing. :-) Felicia
  23. WOW! Fantastic! Are you Brian Graham? :-) Felicia
  24. Kewl...looking forward to seeing some more of your work. Glad they went to good homes :-)
  25. Wow...This last one looks like a lava lamp..really kewl retro look! Thanx for sharing. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
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