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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That is unusual - really cool. Of course, there are some limestone deposits that are chock-full of fossils. It's almost surprising marbles like this aren't more common. But this is the first one I have seen. It kinda makes all the other limestone marbles seem lame - the best I have are dyed - big whoop! lol
  2. Hmmm, it's an oddball, pretty though - crazy looking Master is all I can come up with, almost looks like it's been polished.
  3. Welcome to the Marble Connection, Kimber! Oh come on Steph, Vitros are disgusting. Nobody should collect those . . . . but me! 😁
  4. Ric

    I D help.

    I think Akro, maybe Master, on the left.
  5. Yes, from an investor's run.
  6. Unique . . . @Jeff54 got me looking - I know I have one like the "green eye" he posted here earlier. But at the moment, only the marble gods know where that one is.
  7. Nice marbles and nice post, Jeff. I think that the "5 color rule" may have developed back when people were still trying to figure out the differences between Akro Sparklers and Master Sunbursts. Five or more colors are very common with Sparklers and very rare with Sunbursts - just a thought.
  8. Ric

    3 weirdos

    It's easy to see how they got their name.
  9. Ric

    3 weirdos

    Here is an old pic I had saved. It was from a fellow named Roger who used to frequent here. He had a nice website that explained pontils, transitionals and other marble arcana. I hadn't looked at this in many years and, as usual, it seems Ron may be on to something.
  10. Very nice, Art - that is a marble!
  11. Kinda cool looking. I'm not sure I have seen this particular critter but I have seen similar ones - another one of the many uses for "gems".
  12. Nice Al! I have never seen that one, it's obviously older than the one I showed, and it took a lot more work to make the box too. I wonder if Craig S. had a hand in it.
  13. Ric


    Told ya'. 😛
  14. Ric

    3 weirdos

    No, not Akro, and they were more common in Canada than here, AFAIK. Which is not to say they were made in Canada but I don't know about that.
  15. Ric

    3 weirdos

    I didn't know mushrooms could have transparent patches and I am not really seeing the "mushroom" structure at either seam where the ribbon meets the patch but . . . ? I thought about CAC on the third one too but, like Art, moved on because that long tail (particularly the end of it) seems odd for CAC, at least to me.
  16. Ric

    Alley ghost?

    I'm going to be doing some work to look into this further. AFAIK Alley Ghosts are just common St. Mary's marbles washed out with clear, and when I begin to see more of them than I do the non-washed out ones I get suspicious - maybe it's just me, I haven't seen that many transparent Alleys from St. Mary's, at least ones that are similar to these.
  17. Ric

    Alley ghost?

    The JABO marbles I am thinking of do not have a name that I know of but I do know which marble you're talking about - the one that looks really plain until you put some UV on it is the JABO Ghost I know.
  18. Thank you, I think the same, but it's really nice to hear someone else say it. 🙂
  19. Ric

    3 weirdos

    I'm with you, Art, seems like it has to be that or an even weirder Akro.
  20. A couple of minimal patches. Perhaps remarkable only for how boring they are. 🥱 And please correct me if I'm wrong but I think the red one is harder to come by.
  21. Another Alley - no oxblood. You can find lots of examples of oxblood here. Some examples are better than others.
  22. Oh yeah, and welcome to the Marble Connection too!
  23. I think Alley on the right one. The left one is not ringing a bell for me at the moment but I may be back.
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