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Everything posted by Ric

  1. This is just shy of an inch . . . an old pic, please excuse the background. I love a good Alley with batch white glass!
  2. Thanks, Dave. The Green Giants are really soft glass so finding a mint one not easy at all. You posted some nice ones today too. I especially like the blue one!
  3. Yep, the first two are my favorites.
  4. Ric


    It looks Master to me - nice mib.
  5. I should have said different views - sorry.
  6. Just looking at the top pic, I could see Alley for the top two but I would need more views of the others. They're giving me a Heaton and Cairo vibe.
  7. I think Art is right, the center one just has a weird fold in it.
  8. Are you sure the top left marble is the same in both pics? I'm a little confused . . .
  9. That's a beauty - great photo too!
  10. I'm looking again at the second one . . . might be a newer Vitro - are the seams offset, i.e., if you set the marble so one seam is parallel to the table like ---- and then roll the marble straight toward you, is the other seam parallel to the table too or is it perpendicular? I hope this isn't too confusing, it's kinda hard to explain. lol
  11. I think the first and second are Akro but the third does look more Vitro to me.
  12. Ric

    ID Help

    You are correct that the first is a Peltier Rainbo. The second and third look like Alleys to me, and the 5th (R/W/B) looks Vitro. What size is the 4th one?
  13. I agree, it doesn't strike me as Kokomo either.
  14. A few decent ones . . . There is a lot of tiny oven debris in the large one but they all could have used a bath too . . .
  15. Nice Conqueror, Joe. I really like it when the patch has a crazy shape - makes them much more interesting!
  16. That's a nice Vitro! The base glass almost looks clear with a bit of internal green color somewhere, rather than green transparent glass with white filaments. Art Fisher was a master at using a bit of color inside a marble to make clear base glass look colored.
  17. Those look MK to me. But I have not seen that yellow color in a 4-color St. Mary's marble. I have also not seen a 4-vane 3-color MK or a 3-vane 3-color MK.
  18. My guess is foreign - cool looking marble.
  19. Ric

    PBJ ?

    It looks like a patch and the base seems kinds light for a PBJ - maybe Akro?
  20. Yasuda crease pontil transitional is my thought.
  21. Ric

    Weird Frit

    It does look like a Vacor pattern under the frit, IMO.
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