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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    More IDs

    The first is likely a JABO Classic, probably 1992-2008 and the third is likely a Vitro Conqueror, probably from the mid 1940s. Especially for the swirly ones!
  2. Sure did, William - found several good ones . . .
  3. The Indiana Marble Club Show was a blast!
  4. Nice ones, Dave - the red is my fav!
  5. I think there is a very good reason for that, Joe. 🙂
  6. Ric

    Both Akro?

    The chiffon yellow always has me thinking Master - maybe I need to let that go.
  7. I see no reason to think it's Kokomo - Peltier made plenty like this.
  8. Ric

    3 swirls

    The last one may be a Ravenswood Christmas Tree.
  9. If they're not glass, I'd guess polymer - pretty tough to get that sort of finish using clay. If polymer, they should feel quite a bit lighter than a glass marble of the same size.
  10. Ha, I forgot that part - I think it's a Pelt too.
  11. Ric


    Yes, Vitro, looks like it might be an Opal. back-light it (not too brightly) and look for some opalescence in the base.
  12. What edition and year is the book?
  13. Ric


    Not a Popeye on the left - they need at least two colors and filamentous white in clear. I would say the right marble is a very nice Popeye if the white is filaments in clear - sorta hard to tell from the pics. If not, it's a very nice corkscrew - good marble either way.
  14. Ric

    2 patches

    Vitro left and MK right, IMO.
  15. Ric

    Both Akro?

    The right one might be Master.
  16. Ric

    2 for ID

    Vitro on the right, need to think about the left one for a bit. 🙂
  17. MK patch and ribbon with something akin to oxblood on it, IMO.
  18. Ravenswood - nice marble.
  19. Ric

    Marble king?

    Upper left, MK Rainbow Red; Upper right, Akro; lower left MK patch and ribbon; lower right, newer MK.
  20. That is a nice bright yellow/orange and I agree it would be unusual for a Japanese "Mt. Fuji" type pincer - the poles don't look quite right either, IMO. It may be a Wales type marble, I have seen quite a few of those with bright colors.
  21. There's an easy way to tell a wire pull from a horseshoe cat's eye - wire pulls have a single continuous ribbon. It looks like you have some really nice ones in this bunch. I agree with Jeff, they are probably European, but they are way nicer looking than Champion's version, IMO.
  22. Ric

    ID Help

    Based on the size, the sort of chiffon yellow color and what appear to be white touch marks, I'll say JABO.
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