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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I think most, if not all, are Vitros but there might be an Akro in there too.
  2. I don't think it's vintage, either - maybe JABO.
  3. Ric

    Vitro? 🤞

    I'm pretty sure this one is Vitro - a relative of a Black-eyed Pea.
  4. Think, for instance, of a Master Tiger Eye with orange, white, and that baby blue instead of purple. It looks like the orange on this marble got burned to a more brown color. I think yours wanted to be the left one.
  5. It's kinda crazy to think that there could be 90 different color combos for Type 1 Tiger Eyes, using only the six colors shown. I wonder if the group of collectors here on MC, all together, could even find them all. Sounds like it might make a fun thread to see what we could come up with. Maybe we could do it over 6 weeks using a different top patch color each week.
  6. And you've got to admit, they really gave the machine-made onion skin idea a college try . . .
  7. Oh, we basically agree, Art. I was just suggesting if they could have blown this one out to the surface they'd have taken it. lol It would have made a mighty fine "cage".
  8. Here is the chart for Type I Tiger Eyes Of course, Type Ones have a colored patch on top, two ribbons of the same or different colors around the equator and a white bottom patch. As you can see, there are a bunch of possible color combos using only blue, baby blue, green, orange and yellow colors. I am sure some combos are waaaay harder than other to find, but it's fun trying nonetheless. I think you could just substitute the ribbon colors in this chart for patch color combos on Type 3, since they all have two white ribbons around the equator. Good Luck!
  9. I think many of these style cats were a part of Master's ongoing effort to produce a machine made onionskin.
  10. I think the backfilled ones might have had colored headers, pink & blue were common colors, if I am remembering this correctly.
  11. I'm pretty sure those last three marbles are thought to be Akro. Interestingly, some were found at the Alley Sistersville site, which led to much debate. But that last one has been dug by the boatload at Akro too.
  12. Master cats can be really great marbles. I am partial to the single "potato chip" vane variety, and I've been trying to assemble a good set of them for years. They're tough to find, at least in my experience. And yes, those are the style bag I was talking about.
  13. And I'm sorry I got off on a tangent and sort of gummed up the works.
  14. Art, if this came from one of those bags that has the header with a slot in it and the bag is heat sealed through the slot, I do think many of those were backfilled. I'll bet Al would know for sure.
  15. Great Vitros, Dave. This one is particularly nice. Have you ever tried to figure out how many different color combos there are? I remember that, I think it was Chuck B. but might have been Mike A., made a chart to show them all. At one point, I started collecting to see if I could fill the chart but got bored with it after several years and quit. It'd be fun if someone could muster the patience.
  16. These are so cool. I have several similar. It's almost hard to imagine they're random swirls, odds are, maybe a few out of millions.
  17. If the edges are smooth, I'd be thinking more like hot bubble pops. I can't really imagine anyone polishing such a marble at the factory or anywhere else.
  18. Transparent WV Swirls are notoriously difficult to ID, especially one like this, that appears like it could have been made by a number of different companies.
  19. The song "Jesus loves the little children" just popped into my head. There's the tune, you can put the words to it. lol.
  20. Haha, Yeah, having one marble with two different names is bad enough. But having two different marbles with the same is another thing altogether, unless the two can be distinguished using a company name, like Akro, Alley, or Peltier Superman, for instance - I can live with that.
  21. Yeah, but at least they're not calling Rebels, Mustard & Relishes now too. lol.
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