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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That looks like a Trilite with way more than its fair share of clear glass - just the way I like 'em - nice mib!
  2. I would like to see a couple of more shots of that green and brown one with the blow-hole (just to the right of the confetti you have circled) - for some reason, it's captured my attention. I really like the pounded tray you've got the marbles in too!
  3. Ron, you have no idea how many times this has happened to me. It's what happens when you've been teaching for so long. πŸ™‚
  4. Unfortunately, WInnie passed away in late 2019.
  5. I agree, it's a pretty one too!
  6. Some of these look like they might be Master but many look foreign to me. And at 1", I am leaning toward not American. A clearer look at the seams or poles on a few of them might make me think differently.
  7. Ric

    An odd one,

    As a rule, I think MK Dragon Flies are opaque marbles.
  8. A big 7/8" Maybe an Aquamilk with too much clear and not enough aqua? lol
  9. Just a pretty pair, with a little something extra.
  10. I have seen a lot of Vitros in my day but nothing like this insanity - the colors are incredible!
  11. I came here earlier today and fixed the broken links to photos I posted years ago in this topic - figured I might as well add a new one while I'm here. πŸ™‚
  12. It does have the look. I think it might be a bit newer than a lot of the ones we see.
  13. Ric

    Hot Wheels?

    Good call, Bruce, it sure looks like one to me!
  14. It's certainly possible, Joep, but are you sure the look doesn't change simply because there is more (wider/thicker) color in the Coat than in the swirls?
  15. Joep, I think the marble just has so much surface wear that it doesn't look anything like it did in its prime, when it probably would have looked a lot more at home with its brethren.
  16. Thanks a lot, Al. They do look fairly similar. Nice bag too - seeing the "Pride" slogan in script is less usual, I think. I get the feeling it's an older bag. One of the things I have noticed, is that the older All Red style marbles seem to have smaller color patches with a lot more white showing between the patches. A lot of the newer All Reds are closer to half and half with a much thinner ribbon of white showing between the patches. Does this seem to be generally true when you look at the All Reds your collection? Thanks Again!
  17. Gladys, you hit that nail on the head with a sledge hammer! I have never gotten rid of a marble I can't identify, and there are a lot more marbles I can let go of these days.
  18. Well Kerry, now that I have actually seen the pics, they are pretty cool marbles in boxes that I have not seen before. Congratulations on the find!
  19. Okay, this is just weird. When I click the links you posted, I get nothing but broken links. When I click the ones that are quoted in the above response I see the pics fine . . . ooookaaaay . . .
  20. Wow, two likes for a post with nothing in it? Am I missing something?
  21. No pic showing for me . . . what's a Salco marble?
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