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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    HG Akro?

    . . . so a cornelian brick of some sort?
  2. Ric

    HG Akro?

    They look a bit like bricks but they're not. What are they called?
  3. And a couple of 60 ct bags:
  4. Just figured I should post these Mountain Shooters here.
  5. There's nothing like the sun to bring out the best in a marble - those are nice ones!
  6. I think straight-on shots of the seams might help clear this up, because I'm still not seeing two same color ribbons on the same half of the marble. Although that top red ribbon looks like it was pushed up toward the other side by the fold. I thought the flip-flop was more like: LEFT | RIGHT red | white white | red or rotated to the other seam: white | red red | white
  7. Probably more like Ball or Mason. 🙂
  8. Looks like the top insert to an old glass one pint jar - probably had a zinc lid.
  9. It is really cool - almost looks like the core is hollow. There is glass in there, right? lol. And I'll bet the edges are sharp, especially on the thin section!
  10. Ric


    I'm not positive, but I think Ron is referring to the JABO WVMC Run, which was in 2011. Here is a photo of a boxed set of the marbles from a recent @Columbusrockhound EBay Auction: Given that the diameter of the Quarter is just under 1", I'd guess the marbles are at least 7/8".
  11. JABO? It'd be a really weird one. While they did make a few marbles with seams, in some newer runs, they aren't that common. I don't think this is one of them.
  12. Ric


    If that's what it is, Ron, that might explain why I thought I saw one in your collection. I probably did, just not in an Alley case. lol
  13. Ric


    Another good question might be, how long have you had that marble? And what year was that JABO WV run?
  14. The second is Pelt. The first is likely "black" that's really very dense purple, and it looks more purple where the "black" and white meet- not that I can actually see this from the pics.🙂
  15. Ric


    If it was a messy cork, I would expect the red and yellow stripes to at least hang together a bit better.
  16. I always thought the MCSs were tweeners at the end of NLR production, but . . .?
  17. I agree with Vacor too, the little green tracer next to the yellow ribbon is a tell.
  18. Ric

    Love these

    They're nice, Joep. But the vast majority of white swirls in a colored transparent base are hard to definitively attribute to a particular company.
  19. See how the ribbons all converge pretty close together at the seams? That is not a very common trait for Peltier.
  20. Ric


    Really? I am not seeing it . . .
  21. I agree, the last one is a MCS, and some might call the first one a Skunk.
  22. It looks like a ribbon got submerged in the base glass - it's not what I would consider a cat's eye.
  23. Again, I really don't like to question Ron, because it usually doesn't end well for me - other than getting some more schooling. But I know he doesn't mind a little honest debate either. So I definitely agree it would be weird colors for Pelt, and that the V fold on Pelts is not common (although, I have seen it on more than one). But I do see flipped four ribbon pattern, I think. It does look like there might be a little separation in the top #1 ribbon, maybe it just dipped below the base a little on the edge?
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