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MC Marbles

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Everything posted by MC Marbles

  1. Kokoken Do you have any other Photos or info to share????
  2. Here are some more....
  3. I have collected photos of Kokomos for my personal reference files. I would like to post a few to share some accumulated material. Many are from Ebay or other collectors. If anyone is offended by the use of their photos please contact me & I will cheerfully remove them. Again Kokomo ID's are Very Subjective...
  4. I have been trying to unravel the Kokomo Mystery Marbles for about 2 Years. There is very little info out there. The only way to 100% ID a Kokomo is to find it in an original bag. LOL I have followed some clues and I am fairly confident the following Mibs are Kokomos. These are from My Small Collection. Mark
  5. I am far from an expert on guineas but the one they are keeping looks real. I question the others. I would also think long and hard before paying $500 to a seller with only 18 transactions including one negative. Just my 2 cents!!! Mark
  6. David, Please do not one person run you off!! Your knowledge, input, & opinions are valued. I and many more wish you will stick around. Regards, Mark
  7. Gee Steve.. do I detect some Sour Grapes??? Burt Those are some great looking Marbles!!! You should be proud of a job well done.
  8. I'm planning to attend the WVA Marble Show for the first time. I can only make it for in room trading on Thursday or Friday. From what I am reading...Does the In room trading occur next door at the Wingate Inn??? Anyone else Going??? Thanks for any info! Mark
  9. Nice Find!!! Love them Cosmics!!! Mark
  10. I love metallics. You have a great one there. I'm thinking more Jabo than Pelt. JMHO Cool Mib!!! Mark
  11. I Was trying to keep it simple. :Party_fest30: In my case... I feel if it has a black ribbon it is a Blackie. This can be hotly debated however. (Been there, argued that. LOL) There are some dark purple banded (Look Black) on white which I call a Whitie. You can call them as you see them. Neat Vitros. Mark
  12. As per Chuck B. Type 1: A clear base glass with a color patch on top, a white patch on the bottom and a two color (half and half) ribbon in the middle. (More Common Tri-colored Tiger-eye) Type 2: A clear base glass with a color patch on top, a different color patch on the bottom and a one color (half and half) ribbon in the middle. (Not very common - a fancy version of Type 1. Rarer still if it has a two color (half & half) ribbon." Type 3: A clear base glass with a color patch on top, a different color patch on the bottom and a white (half and half) ribbon in the middle. Type 4: An opaque white base with a color patch on top, a different color patch on the bottom and a white (half and half) ribbon in the middle.
  13. FWIW Black banded are blackies. color bands on white opaque base are whities. Color bands & white on clear base are a tiger-eye sub-catagory Mark Edit...The green banded w blue is neat!!!
  14. Type 2 Tigereyes. Not Rare but scarce. I have about 14 different color combos. Mark
  15. Perhaps a year or so ago she was selling marbles with the same story. I heard from a person in her area she was buying them at local auctions. Some board members at that time bought some & were happy. Mark
  16. I do not know if the just does not know marbles or is being very "Creative" with his titles. In such a case he is not the first or the last to do so. I give him credit for adding the Q&A to his listing. Money back guarantee is also positive. mark
  17. Those net bags he also has listed look similar to the questionable Akro bags recently discussed here.
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