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MC Marbles

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Everything posted by MC Marbles

  1. It looks more like a Peltier Rainbo than NLR to me.
  2. Yes I was refering to dump sites. Check out "youtube" for some great vidioes of privy digging.
  3. If I may ask, Where are you digging?? Are you digging in old trash pits? In the USA bottle diggers often dig in old outhouse locations.
  4. Hmmm...Seller is from Hamilton Ohio.
  5. I'm thinking a newer marble as well. Just my opinion.
  6. Value is self determined. Resale value is market dictated.
  7. Here is a couple of photos from Zaboo (I hope you don't mind my posting them!)
  8. This should work... http://www.michelleericksonceramics.com/pdf/CiA2003_Erickson&Hunter.pdf
  9. Here is to having your cake and eating it too!!! I Hope you have a good one!!
  10. http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionview.cgi?lid=1975311&fe=898688&txtSearchKeywords=marbles&txtSearchZip=44811&idxSearchCategory=0&txtSearchRadius=0 At least for a little while. The search continues!
  11. Best of luck to you. Stay Strong!
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-AKRO-AGATE-CO-Clarksburg-W-Va-Ten-10-Marbles-/111171568647?pt=Marbles&hash=item19e2578407
  13. When you constantly put up with the worn out cliche "I bet you collect marbles because you have lost yours!"
  14. I suspect that is a Scott Patrick marble, made at Brian Gram's studio when Scott recently visited & worked there. Who ever made it did a very nice job !
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