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Everything posted by duffy

  1. see the buy/sell/ trade section....the black ones were made friday only a hundred or so...
  2. have either of you been on a ship and know what ballast is? this along with many posts in the last few days is plain silly and is really a waste of space....why not post something of worth instead of this crap.....
  3. hey mike..you could soak your glass eye in that one.....
  4. thanks for lookin http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/duffytrash_W...QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ
  5. [quote name='david Chamberlain' date='May 17 2009, 09:24 AM' post='96151' Hi there, Need to send you sumthin'. Could you provide me with an address? My email is [email protected]. Won't be able to get back to the computer 'till tomorrow morning. Just popped up a short pc. on the Board here. You might like it. A marble good-feel thing. David Chamberlain yup i just did...steve pletcher...
  6. thats what it feels like......maybe bakelite.....???...definatly a different feel..
  7. must be plastic then, it haint no glass stone or pottery
  8. ive seen so few of these..is this one ..not glass or pottery...but has some weight...11/16
  9. the past owner of a mk site let people dig on her property for 100$ an hour...and believe me it was timed....the other site the cops have my info and haint allowed back...unscruplious people ruin the digs at every site...leave garbage -leave holes not covered....etc-etc....the guy that owned the one mk site shut it off when a couple had their infant down there...granted there is honest folk but the city of paden city has passed an ordinance against diggin for marbles...people still do it..i guess they can afford a thousand dollar fine....they said there is health issues with all the chemicals thats in there....and on the other hand its not easy....hard work and ive cut myself bunches of time...gary its not as exotic and glamorous as you would imagine unless you like poision ivy skeeters and snakes...and mud.....ive found some nice stuff diggin and did most of mine in cold weather...its better than on a 80 degree 75 % humidy day...
  10. that a kewl one,too scott....give me a call later ....
  11. duffy

    Wash Out Marbles

    the washout for the joker 2 had alot of oxblood and named mylee......the one for the encore had the ones you got....lots of experiminting went on with that wash out...
  12. nope thats a st marys but is way overpriced...thats as common as the st marys cats go and not a good example...
  13. it next to goodwill by the lowes in vienna...past the mall
  14. duffy

    Wash Out Marbles

    hey zig...i probaably had one in my case tonight....stop by my table tomorrow.,..
  15. hey scott in honor of my mom...lets call it hope lee jabo #1 ...you could put that in the bottom with your diamond scratchie thing....
  16. whoa scott thats great....i really like it!!!!!
  17. these are purty.....thanks for lookin http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/duffytrash
  18. kewl!!! lotsa orage sounds like fall harvest run....thanks...
  19. got em today a bennington a nice slag and an alley...prob tripled my dollar....
  20. i thjnk the farm..lolol sometimes these auctions turn out good...
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