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Everything posted by glangley

  1. "Too much money too little knowledge will cost you." - marblemiser Well said marblemiser,
  2. Knowledge is power, and in five years if you can't id a Jabo Joker, you should have paid closer attention. The books are out there, and I am sure these will be in a book somewhere in five years, or sooner. What's there to worry about? I can't, I refuse to believe that suddenly wise collectors will come out of the woodwork with bleeding hearts to console new collectors because they purchased a marble thinking, or hoping it was something it really isn't. That's laughable.
  3. Hey there Jack, one way to show what's going on inside the translucent mibs is to backlight them. I have a small circular piece that has a hole in the center where I place the marble. The hole in the center allows the marbles to sit on top of the piece but let's light shine up through it. I place the circular piece on the lens of my mag lite and the marble on the center hole. It makes for some great back lighting shots, and really highlights the detail in the middle. I am sure there are other ways to do it. Play around with it a bit and see what you come up with.
  4. Oh, but can you really put a price on great art? old or new? or in between?
  5. If the sponsor is a known collector, then there would be someone to be miffed at.
  6. If that's what went down, I am sure there is some people a little miffed. Not like there would be anyone to be miffed at, beside themselves.
  7. Well, they could all be Jabo's, which isn't a bad thing at all, but I had questioned the yellowish based one in these pics as well as the clearish one with the brown. Check em out, they are all big, well bigger than 3/4in.
  8. Just doing some looking on the web, came across this video. If you like quilts, kaleidoscopes, or art in general, check it out, WOW! http://www.brewstersociety.com/cbs_sundaymorning_09.html
  9. Very intriguing, now to see how far the rabbit hole goes...
  10. What looks like a superman but has green between the yellow and blue. The red rides along with the yellow and even crosses it in some places from what i can see. It's not one of my mibs but I am trying to help someone locally id some of their marbles. I'll get a better look at it this weekend, but from the pictures, which are blurry and kinda far away, it looks like an akro superman with green between the yellow and blue. Could be a vitro parrot? or something else? There are two of them, one is a shooter size and one looks to be around 5.8ths. here's the pictures that are the clearest. lol
  11. Here is a cool marble and kaleidoscope with the name L. Han Derviele in script on the one edge of the scope. A beautiful auger marble sit's on top this scope which is wonderfully done in a stained glass style with paneled glass on each side set in lead. Check out the pics. I am just wondering if anyone has any information on this artist, location, other works. Thanks!
  12. Thanks guys, it's always fun for me to actually find something here in my meager collection that the big dogs are posting about.
  13. Here's a bunch, I think... lol
  14. Not sure if the blue and green are alleys, but I think I may have found a blush with yellow. And the one on the end is white based, with green and in the green or with the green is hairline brown. Also, this other pic has a blue with white that appears to be an alley blue sky, maybe. It was hard to get the white to pop in the pic. I am on the money or still out in left field chasing butterflies? lol
  15. Definitely save this one, it really needs to be in a book somewhere.
  16. Great examples, and now I know that some of these pinkish mibs are not Jabo's. Thank you very much for the pics! On second thought, mine look more champion with a blush of pink, yellow - muted yellow swirls. But I do have two with that blush with the same green alley swirling.
  17. Can't wait for some pics! Can't wait to get some! Dang, now there's two runs I don't have any of! lol
  18. Hey David, what kind of color do you have on your halves? And what would one run price wise? Thanks
  19. So, one more question from a newbie, (and I really don't mind that term because it's true) does oxblood have to have striations in it? And my question from up above still doesn't have an answer, can you see the crystals with the naked eye on all MFC and Akro marbles? If so, it would be a lot easier to say "Yes this is..." Or "No this doesn't have the shine".
  20. I think it looks like oxblood. But that's me, and I have no gauge or magnifying loop to look for the tiny crystals. Although I like that idea, that you could actually see the crystals. But can you with every Akro marble out there that has what looks like oxblood? What I mean is, Akro is well accepted to have made marbles with the micro crystalline in them, But, do all Akro oxblood marbles have the crystalline shine? Does that make sense? Can you really see it that easily that you could pick up an unknown marble, and check it for micro crystals? I Love marbles, and I buy what I like. I have a grasp of what oxblood is to me. But I am not at the point in my collecting to be that specific while looking for good mibs. If it looks good, and looks like oxblood to me with the naked eye, that's what I am going to call it. I'll even tell people who ask me about it that it is oxblood. But like everything I say, it's my opinion. Now if it's easy to pick up a mib and see those crystals without a 30-50x microscope, just using the eye then I'll pick my marbles apart and check them. Ones that do have it will be in one place and those that don't have them will be in another place. I guess what I was asking above is, out of those two piles, will I have akro marbles in each or just one? Then again, it all comes down to my eyes. And since everyone's eyes are different, it's about as usless as an opinion. Unless it's easy to see the crystals, and everyone can see them. Then it would cut a straight line through this entire issue. But I believe all that will do is divide the oxblood into two categories, ones with micro crystals and one without. It would not dismiss those collectors that see oxblood in the marbles of other companies. Also, if it is easy to see, and alot of this is riding on the fact that it is, couldn't a company use fine aventurine and mix it in with their red?
  21. not doing spectacular atm but I ran across a cat eye in an amber, almost rootbeer like base but not as dark, more like a yellow/brown base. the vein isn't centered, it's off to one side, pole to pole and some of the vien is sticking out the side, with a tinge of green. Just wondering if you call these yellow based or brown, or amber, or honey, yah it's like a honey color. I'll try and get some pics up later if I get up and around. thanks edit: this one is 9/16ths the other one is 5/8ths in the id section.
  22. If that is a Jabo 1", I'd love to have it!!
  23. LMAO @ >>>> STEPH!! Steph likes sausage! I Love It!~
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