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Everything posted by glangley

  1. You could always send them to me and I promise to post the pictures for you. > lol Nice pelt lot, would love to see some more pictures as you progress with that. You just hang in there, you get it and then we will all be druling over your mibs. :)lol God bless you Pete
  2. Or you could post some pictures here of them, which is sure to bring some offers. Or just ebay them, pay ebay their share, and ebay their share again for paypal. lol Either way, wishing you great success with your marbles. God bless!
  3. He does look happy, or like the cat that ate the canary... But that lady in the center looks quite... well she looks to be in a different mood entirely.
  4. Well, maybe when you get them all done and hold them for awhile, whoever sent them will contact you to ask about them. Hope you find their home! God bless!
  5. Man, drilling holes in marbles has to be some trick! lol And a time burner! Is there such a monster as a glass drilling drill bit? Hope you guys have a Happy THanksgivin!
  6. Awesome Griff, was looking forward to seeing your posted pics! God bless
  7. It's always hard to loose someone. My heart felt condolences to Bob's family and friends. Hold fast to the truth and know that his battle is over and he is at peace with friends and family that went before him. God bless and strengthen you in this time of loss.
  8. Duffy those are just fantastic, this has to be one of the best runs ever. Wow, tons of color! Did you guys run any with a translucent base? Thanks for fixing the picture! GOd Bless
  9. Oh man, I don't see the picture duffy? Can you repost, I am feeling a bit left out, lol God Bless!
  10. Wow, those are fantastic! I don't think they look the same as the recent joker run, other than the style maybe. But that could be just the setup they used?? Not sure, but those are indeed some KILLER!! Mibs!! Way to go guy's and gal's!!! God Bless!
  11. Mike, I think that is super awesome! I think when collecting becomes an investment, the spirit is lost. The best times I have with marbles is time shared with the people I love, and like you, when meeting new people while I have a pocket full of Tributes. I took handfuls to the softball games this summer and you should have seen the eyes on the kids that picked them out of my hand! LOL!! You would have thought I was giving away twenties! It was great to introduce kids to marbles and see the smiles, but it was even better when I watched them from afar and saw them showing those marbles to their friends. To me, marbles are an art and a love. I have a special place for Jabo's because of why I got into collecting marbles, and the irony I found with the date of a Joker run and my story. That was truly like a smile from Heaven. But I do see some valid points here on this thread. God Bless
  12. Good point Bo, I'd have to say that some of my most favorite Jabo's are the ones on a clear base with just a wisp or a tad bit of two or three colors. The Jinks run has some wicked cool ones too, I forget what they were called but you can look at it, and in it. To me, that's the best! God Bless
  13. I am and remain a rookie marble collector, or maybe I am simply a marble lover, whatever the case I love what Jabo has done. I suppose if your in your sixties or even more refined, then buying a Jabo for an investment is down right silly. Fact is, if I were sixty, I would be leaving the Jabo buying to my children or buy them as gifts to my grandchildren... unless of course I really really liked them, and fact is, I do really really like them. To buy them as an investment in your lifetime seems obsurd to me. But to buy them because they are beautiful orbs of modern art, absolutely! I love them. But can I honestly compare these limited runs to something made forty or fifty years ago? or even before that? Since they were both made for two totally different audiences, you have to be able to call an apple an apple and an orange an orange. If kids were knuckling down with these private runs, then they would be as close to the same as they could get, IMO. But they are not, not yet. Like a wise man once said, *a few posts ago I believe*, time will tell. If this economy keeps tanking, maybe kids won't have a choice to play video games and will be forced to play outside, and just maybe they would knuckle down again. If that day comes, I just hope that my knees are still good enough so I can get down there with them. And of course, I'll have my bag of Jabo's with me. God Bless
  14. Looks like bubbles to me as well. Maybe we could get some people to share some of their wierd inclusion mib photos!
  15. Any idea on that symbol in the middle? Kinda looks like the freemason ensig, but i can tell it's not. Way cool Duffy, thanks for sharing that! Let us know if you get it, my fingers are crossed for ya. GB
  16. Burt, you guys did a very nice job! I just adore the bright reds, yellows and blues! Very nice, very fine, just a terrific bunch of marbles! Now I know what to ask Santa to bring me! God Bless!
  17. So what made a marble company make little animal figurines? And what year did they start doing this? and until when abouts did they stop? What other stuff did Alley make if any? Thanks! I just think its facinating to see what else these companies produced. God Bless!
  18. Hi there ladies and gents, guys and gals, and anyone else out there. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Lots going on lately, and seemingly a deluge of crud to wade through, but I am still here. I hope you are all doing as fantastic as can be, and that you are making, or collecting, some truly great mibs these days. May God bless and keep each and everyone of you.
  19. Amen, and Amen. That would make a great T'shirt!
  20. Wow! Steph, that mill ball pic is awesome! lol and funny! I see a glob of the clear coat near the bottom just left of center, and inbetween the black lines. Wow, what a shine!
  21. Thank the Good Lord she was able to attend that wedding! May God Bless and keep you all in good Spirits and good Faith.
  22. ok, so in chimes the rookie... What does a dragonfly look like? Any one with pics, I would love to see one. Thanks in advance and as always, GB
  23. Happy Birthday To Lou, Happy Birthday to Lou! Happy Birthday dear Lou! Happy Birthday to Lou!!!!!!! GB!!
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