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Everything posted by glangley

  1. Looking for information on what types of material/metal was used to make steelies. Just out of the small amount of cheap mibs I own, some of the steelies show weathering, rust, while others do not. Some are magnetic while others are not. Some even look to be brass.
  2. Hey ann, I already claimed dibs! If you call snorkeling in a freezing shipping channel with a fine net, dibs. lol I think if the day came and I decided not to collect anymore and the marbles were pretty much worthless to me, I'd find a nice park and seed the ground with them. Maybe someday a kid would pick one up and be as excited as I was when I had started, and then they would begin their journey. But my luck a baby would find one, choke on it, and I'd get sued back to the stone age for dumping them their, instead of in the trash. Maybe I'd skip the park and just send them all to some random person on, well let's say the Marble Connection. lol
  3. duffy--yours?? and price range?? --- I second that
  4. As psia put it, "contemporary artists are proud of their work, and sign it." I couldn't agree more. There is just one thing I want to know... when and where will you guys be taking this boat trip? As I would like to have my snorkel in the water that day. With a fine mesh net, I should be able to score quite a few nice pieces I'd otherwise not afford.
  5. Someone that copies old marbles is like someone singing Karaoke, it's just never the same. And in the far chance you hear someone that can actually sing, it makes you wonder what they hell they are doing cover songs.
  6. All I can say is, "Sa-weeet!" I hope they are making marbles for years and years to come. I would love to be able to take my daughter down there in a few years and let her have the experience that my wife and I enjoyed. Awesome news. Thank the good Lord that atleast a few Americans are still working. And I can't wait to see what Dave does next!
  7. First welcome Booie, this is a great board, the very best in my opinion. Most posts are done under the general chat thread, but the marble id thread will help you with finding out exactly what you have, if you need that help. Its also a great place to watch what other people have questions about. Stephs study hall is also a great place to spend some time reading. Again, welcome to the board. Looking forward to your posts. God bless
  8. Atleast his fight is now over and he is at peace. He was a creative master with glass and his works will be forever treasured. God bless him and his family.
  9. It's really too bad. Some of the painted marbles out there are really beautiful and would command a 'fair' price alone. But selling them without telling really could screw the rookie collectors out there and turn their stomaches against buying/collecting marbles. I suppose you should always live by(or buy) buyer beware, either way it just doesn't sit well in my crawl for them not to say exactly what they are selling. Could it be that the seller doesn't know exactly? I suppose. But it could also be true that they know exactly what they have and are just trying to get one over on the next person. Which is akin to stealing in my book.
  10. I don't think I could ever comfortably bid on something where the seller stresses the point that their are no gaurantee's or returns. It could be old, but what if it's not? Too much moolah to chance it for this poor rookie. lol
  11. Hey there Jack, just caught my attention when you mentioned Reno. I lived in Sparks for three years while I was stationed at the Mountain Warfare Training Center, just South of there about 2 hours on highway 395. If you keep going South you hit a turn off to the East which takes you to an old ghost town called Bodie. One of the coolest things they had there in that ghost town was a display in the old general store,(maybe it was the old taven) was old marbles that they had found while turning the town into a park. Very neat little place, but since it sits above 10k feet elevation, it only a summer trip. Well, there my two cents. lol God bless Gary
  12. That's very cool. The optics of the glass flipping the Jabo upside down is just crazy. lol Great pic
  13. Just sat down and watched the end of the show again, dvr is a wonderful thing. Man, I laugh my rear off everytime Mike catches his glove on fire! Man, that's good tv! lol They sure didn't run much of the lutz rod during the show, so someone that was there will have to answer the question, how much was run, and did they buy it with the rest of the glass in the beginning. Watching Dave hold that marble at the end, you can tell he is a true marble man. You can see his passion for glass and the love of what he does just watching him hold that one marble. Which in fact, he says that one will be in his private collection. The one marble, not a box full, or a flat full, just the one he said that he would be taking for his private collection. If the investors paid for the lutz, I am sure they got more than one apiece. But I don't think it's too far of a stretch to think that Dave had it and used it for the show. For Dave to take a marble from a run, is so inconsequential. Without Dave, would there have ever been private runs? I think he deserves a lutz marble, especially if it was his four inches of rod. lol Ok, I'm going back to sleep now. God bless
  14. It looked to me that Dave ran a total of maybe four inches of lutz rod during the show, for those of you that were actually on site that day, you should know exactly how much was run, right? But if not, and lutz wasnt used except during the taping, then who's lutz was it? Four inches of lutz would be, what, about fifteen marbles at the most? Which brings up questions to me, did the discovery channel buy the glass for the taping? or was the lutz paid for by them? or was it just Dave doing what he does and trying to get the best marbles made during the show? I guess its a moot point now. This run was done last year and no one seemed to have any questions then, so I hope I am not stirring up the pot. God Bless
  15. Just wanted to pass on a Happy birthday wish to one wonderful lady. May your birthday be filled with love, cheer, and blessings. We love you Edna! Gary, Tina and family
  16. Wow, that is something, what a looker, man that is goregous. It could even be a penquin! That is so cool! Is that base totally opaque or is it a bit translucent? What a picture. Thank you for that, and the information. So were these on the market at one time, or were these something that didn't get distributed much?
  17. Hey there Gene, don't leave us rookie's out! lol Can you tell us a bit about the crow/kingfisher? who made it, timeframe, and why it's special? THanks Gene, just saw your post and thought it was intriguing. God Bless
  18. Amen on that one Leroy. You do a world of good not only for the people you are restoring for, but for the collectors like myself that just love to see the beauty brought back to as close as original as possible. Kudo's
  19. I had to laugh at the end, when Dave was totally mezmerized while looking at the marble he was holding onto for dear life. lol He didn't even look at Mike Rowe while he was talking to him. All I could think of was, ..... my precious...... my precious...... Cool show. How many types or families did the Eagle run have? Are the ones Mike Rowe was involved in part of the Eagle run or all together seperate? Any and all pics are welcome, begged for, and much appreciated!! God Bless
  20. For those fellow Jabo nutz. Direct TV channel 278, the Discovery Channel, on the East coast anyway, tonight at 9pm est. God Bless
  21. Those are killer Vitros for sure. I have more than a few vitros here but nothing like that, well... I haven't seen anything like that before so maybe I should revist the marble mass. lol Very cool, thanks for sharing! It really helps those of us that are learning. Maybe someday I'll get all my mibs sorted by maker, maybe... lol God Bless! edit: just had to add that those pink ones in the first bunch look an awful lot like jellyfish!
  22. Wow, that is just super fine! I don't know if it's just a finger print where the flash is, but I found something that works great for an extra fine polish/buff. some will laugh, but I'll stake my life on it. My wife bought a product for her legs, and didn't like it. I tried it on a mib of mine that just needed a fine polish and wow, it does the trick. Oh, the product is smooth-away. And it does one heck of a job without taking off more than a micron of glass. Terrific stuff. Although I wouldn't reccomend doing any sort of dry polishing without using a professional grade respirator. God Bless
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