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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. Hi Denise; You sent me an email in regard to a marble collection. I didn't get to read it as it sorted into my junk mail. Send me another email and I will watch for it. Lou
  2. Could it be that white is the cullet that's available for the base in the tanks? Lou
  3. You can't sign in? How did you post? Email me and tell me your problems, I'm the new Dear Abby. Lou
  4. Hi Steven; Welcome to the board, someone should have an idea for you. Lou
  5. Hey Chris, You are more then welcome here. If you would like a special forum for something, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Lou
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We have made it through another year with the board~ Lou
  7. I think it means "Better mibs will be made at MK." Lou
  8. But he accepts silver coins at 8 times face! Current silver value is almost 16 times face. Lou
  9. Duffy, I moderate the moderators. 10 years ago, no one would think of suing someone for something said on a board. Today, it's the first thing they think of. I don't want to be part of a lawsuit so that's why we need moderators. Someone to think, when the original poster isn't thinking too clearly. Lou
  10. Keep cool people, we will be fine. Lou
  11. Hey Scott, How about December Never. LOL Lou
  12. At Sue's request, a new moderator is joining the team. Dave "Orbboy" will now be accepting your death threats, err I mean PM's. Please welcome Dave. I'm sure Dave will stop by and give some insight to his moderation style. Lou
  13. You would have to buy them from one of the investors of the group. Lou
  14. You have to resize the picture so it fits. If you don't know how to do it, you can email it to me and I'll reduce it for you. Lou
  15. There is a video on CNN right now. Josh Simpson Lou
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