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Everything posted by ann

  1. ann

    MK Cat ?

    Yes, it is a Bogard trait.
  2. Yes. Sometimes an Indian can look black, but back-lit, it can be purple transparent, like Chad says. I also have one that`s blue, another that`s green, and one that is a sort of olive-gold. I think people sometimes don`t backlight their Indians - I love it when those people are sellers. That`s how I got most of mine!
  3. I only have 3 Pelt peewees - one as Chad said (MCR), and the other 2 transparent-based rainbows.
  4. ann

    MK Cat ?

    I`ll compare it to my black Bogards and report back - - -
  5. ann

    MK Cat ?

    My first thought was Bogard too, since, unlike most other companies, they made (relatively) a lot of black cats, many of them irregular. Not familiar with any foreign (Japanese) black cats. Pretty sure I`ve never seen one.
  6. There`s that bad boy! When I was growing up a couple of Pileateds nested in an old dead tree across the street, so I would see them all the time. I`ve seen one only three times since I moved back. Hope they don`t go the way of the Ivory Bills - - -
  7. Fun! My Red-Headed ones are quite vocal at the feeders too - a kind of whistling screech, and for a while, too. Very loud when they want a bird to get out of their way on the feeders. They get their way every time.
  8. No. Not sure I`ve ever seen one, even. Would be nice to have a few, if they exist!
  9. ann

    Red Slag

    C`mon, you know quite a bit, Ric! I have a box of Cerises, and agree there`s a fair chance it`s one. They`re really hard to ID unless you can compare them with a box. It wasn`t until I was lucky enough to acquire a box that I realized I already had one - just one, out of all of my "?" red slags. But it looks to me like it`s certainly possible. And I agree - size?
  10. I think so too. There is a pair, and one more, which I assume is a male, because when I`ve seen all three at the same time, one (the presumed male of the pair) screeches and attacks the other one. The female seems unconcerned! They are very handsome birds.
  11. Interesting to read about the scarcity of butterflies in different parts of the country. When I was a child, growing up in eastern NC, they were everywhere. When I retired I moved back to my home town, and although I`ve been here six years, and have a large yard, plants for pollinators, etc. I very rarely see one - just the odd stray sulphur or what we used to call "cabbage" butterflies, a smallish white one. It does not bode well. Fortunately, this year for the first time since I`ve been back, there have been bees - the big bumblebees. But lots of hummingbirds, Ruby-Throated, the only kind we have here. But the scarcity of butterflies really bothers me, especially now that I know it`s not just here . . .
  12. I love the Pileated - really looks prehistoric in flight. I also have a tiny Downy - usually on the suet in the winter - and a Red-bellied, who it seems will eat anything. No Hairys - you`re lucky.
  13. I don`t really know - all I can say is that I was given one of these as an Alley from Sistersville, about 7 years ago.
  14. I`ve always liked Dave Becker`s marbles - have 4 or 5 myself.
  15. I agree about the box being a fantasy job. And can anyone really imagine Akro putting 4 rows of one kind of cork and one row of another in one of their original boxes? I hope the purple/red corks are what they`re going for too - if not, somebody`s gonna get burned . . .
  16. ann

    Toe breakers ?

    Great idea, Akroorka !
  17. Oh no. Maybe that`s why he retired? Maybe LOM got too much for him? Very sorry to hear he`s not well. Let us know if you hear anything new - thanks, Al.
  18. Yes! That`s caging. Thanks, Chad.
  19. I think that more than one marble company made this type with the wispy swirls. Ron can tell you which ones.
  20. Maybe it was a mis-reading of this post of mine - or too quick a reading, and missed the "opposite of the slag thing" bit.
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