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Everything posted by ann

  1. It`s the same, but people pay a premium for the really swirly ones.
  2. It`s Czechoslovakian. They also made marbles like this, sometimes (erroneously) called "bullet-mold marbles." Maybe throw it in the junk drawer for a whole instead of the garbage . . .
  3. And a nice Pelt multi-colored swirl, too. The swirly-er the better!
  4. That`s what I live by . . .
  5. Prima Agates! That was the other kind. I know I`ve seen a picture of a box somewhere - probably Hansel`s. Maybe Steph can find it.
  6. Barberton wasn`t machine rounded (melted pontil) so technically they wouldn`t be transitional, although I think many people think of them that way. Peltier, yes, because at least the Cerises were hand-gathered and machine-rounded. Again I don`f think people in general think of the Cerises as transitional, but they are. They were making another marble at the same time - the onyx I think it was (although maybe not, I'll have to check) - so they should have been the same, but I`ve never seen an original box of them in person, so I don`t know for sure about them. Maybe someone else is more familiar with those than I am . . .
  7. Just went back and checked my Barberton and yes it has a melted pontil - been away for a while so I forget - so I withdraw my Barberton suggestion. But the"cutline" on this one does resemble some I`ve seen that were handgathered and machine-rounded. But it`s obviously not MFC on the color alone. Maybe a very early Somebody Else. Akro? Hard to know.
  8. Hand-gathered, machine rounded, so MFC should really be considered a transitional, although I don`t think many people think of them that way.
  9. Yes - they`re pretty thin on the ground. Not in business for very long. Had weird colors, like chartreuse and olive. Congrats!
  10. ann

    You tell me

    Oh yes, I agree. I love the combo too, but you don`t find it every day. Or at least I don`t!
  11. Just the color alone suggests Barberton to me. Very similar to one I have. They`re dagonne hard to find. Nice!
  12. Nice to meet you. I have one of those bananas that I bought from Alan B. back in the day . . .
  13. ann

    You tell me

    Funny. My first immediate impression was Champion too, but then doubt set in when I got to the last pic . . .
  14. Once I might have said "could be Ravenswood" but having recently seen a bunch of Heatons dug at the site, my lips are now sealed. Maybe Ron will stop by.
  15. My blood pressure, usually on the low side, jumped a bit too . . .
  16. I`ll go along with that - adding the qualifier,
  17. To each his own! Ultimately it`s your marble to classify as you will. For me personally, a Pistachio has to be flaming. In the same way, the cork on a corkscrew has to be neat and balanced before i will buy it. I think everybody has their standards for what they`ll buy and what they won`t. I`m pretty picky, is all. I'm an art historian, I can`t help it!
  18. I`d be hesitant to call it a Pistachio if it were mine. Made with the same glass, probably, but no flames takes it out of that category for me. I gotta see some flames.
  19. I`m lucky enough to have an original box of Cerises, and I have to say this is not one - although Cerises are hand-gathered , they don`t have 9s. I'd post a pic but I lost them all. There`s an old post somewhere on this board of my box, but I`d have to look hard to find it, probably. I`ll look. But this is a nice as heck hand-gathered slag, anyway. I`d be happy to have it too!
  20. ann

    My new kittens

    I totally get it.
  21. ann

    My new kittens

    Deep cover - I like that! Is it polite to say I`m happy I was missed? Didn`t realize how much I missed you guys until I opened up my new computer and headed here. Glad to be back!
  22. ann

    My new kittens

    Hi Steph - long time no see! Of course the second thing I had to look at after a long absence (the first was the bad news about migbar) was your new kitten post. So sorry about the little one. But your other newbie seems like he (she?) is doing great. Hope that`s still the case!
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