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Everything posted by zigafoose

  1. Nice find Duffy! Good things/good people. See you in Sistersville.
  2. Thats your "out"? Really??? No I mean it REALLY?? You add IMHO at the end and from that we are to understand your were being funny? You are a smart guy David but not everyone here is below you,I can see this was a built in excuss from the get-go..............good plan but I for one can see thru the smoke. Maybe this is a test? To see whos got your back? What weight do you carry? Who and how many will follow you? Yes because that happens ALL THE TIME here,long deep threads about off topic stuff,birthdays,vacations,ect. Again another built in point here but this one is about how poor you tried to start a freindly topic and the baddies came out. Please talk about other collecting intrests you have nobody here with start flamming you. I think you have been reading to much over at the "other" site David. IMHO you started this thread knowing full well how it was going to end and yes by typing here I myself have "fallen into the trap" Just IMHO.
  3. IMHO he's hit the nail on the head
  4. Thats great! I always enjoy seeing Weldon he is a great guy.
  5. FeBay had one a week or so back but it just didn'tlook 100% right so I passed.
  6. That Vitro World marble is VERY rare. If memory serves only 5 or 6 made and I was luck enough to hold 2 of them. Where is that pic from?
  7. Im glad someone said it! IMHO If someone wants to post on an internet forum some info about a possible repop of fake thats great but thinking it HAS TO BE done or a repop item MUST BE marked as such is going to far.
  8. This is the first time I have seen one of these mibs and I found it interesting
  9. Anyone seen these? Do you have any info to share? Carl Fisher Mib?
  10. Windjet usually has nice stuff for sale I have done some buisness with them in the past. Great looking mib but Im not sure what it is but Im pretty sure it's going for to much money
  11. Maybe the bidder has no plan to actually pay for the item..... Sticking it to the seller matbe????? I have passed on many due my lack of knowledge on them.
  12. Vitro-MK Akro-Vitro Sometimes it's hard to tell the commons apart IMO shades of color sometimes are more important than design when ID'ing
  13. Welcome to the forum. What type of marbles do you collect? Where are you from?
  14. Went up Friday only and saw lots of the regulars. Most said sales were slow but that was good for us buyers! Lot of talk about Sistersville and if the show will be hurt buy the lack of rooms. Saw a VERY rare Akro box that still had the ship to label on it but I can remember the guys name that had it. Good time overall.
  15. I bought some fantasy packaged "VITRO" marbles with what looks to be the same mibs in that bag
  16. Thats how I understand it but I thought it was already in effect
  17. Ill be there but Im driving up for Friday only so I hope lots of you are there with some marbles for me to snag up!!!Bigger is better!! Thanks for the address.
  18. Anyone going to Columbus? I know Worthington but can remember the address,need help.
  19. Anyone go to the first one? Big crowd? Good prices?????
  20. I WAS buying these on the cheap utill the day after Alans auction closed......Bangs head on desk
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