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Everything posted by popculturizm

  1. Hi packaging without a "Zip code" normally means produced prior to 1963 , have no idea on value, my guess 25 to 35 bux (nice clean card)
  2. Here's another thought, would a German manufacturer use an American Coin?, I think most of the Sulphides with coins that I have seen have European Coins in them?
  3. To me would be the clarity of the glass, and the imperfections with the embedding of the coin IMHO
  4. Ironically I started a comment on this last week, here is that link.. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=13060&view=&hl=wheaton&fromsearch=1 should help answer some of your questions
  5. I'm sure everyone here has seen this (odds are we all bid against each other most of the time anyway) besides that...anyone see any interesting Mib's here or is the price simply for the bag? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=250592906390&Category=2573&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DI%26otn%3D2
  6. Hi I have enlarged original image, you should be able to click and save it at this size (if not juts email me and will send you the re-sized image) also , what the heck? a 4 marble carrying case, for some 1890's uber mibster or something?or they are feet for a table? (rollers)
  7. Hi has anyone ever been to this show it's in Millville NJ at the Wheaton Museum (Wheaton Arts) ?
  8. my favorite opal are at the top - vitro box
  9. Here are some of ours including 2 shooters
  10. "Atmospheres" that's way over my head...imho
  11. Hi with out seeing them - you won't get much of an answer,
  12. well it is Sealed, and they usually go for 500+ loose, but 41K? me thinks something is not quite right.
  13. I'm a little confused there are some nice marbles in this lot, one large HandMade (can not tell condition) - those Red white and blues, one that looks to be a Carnelian oxblood Akro, and at least one popeye, so how can this guy be that savy to salt two mib's that are "old" - but i'm not bidding, anyone here the high bidder?? wink wink nudge nudge
  14. yes he confirmed that he had purchased it in Dec. on eBay from Pavcraz, I give him credit for standing up, he was not aware of it being bogus, until we brought it to his attention.
  15. I was going to say Vitro (really I was) but did Akro make Flintie's and Popeyes at the same time? Is this by the same guy from last month with the "Christensen" slag box?
  16. the Marbles are interesting, If I'm not mistake there is a 15 year+ span on those types, and the one in the lower right hand corner has a bit of a pelt look to it. IMHO (or not) was this an FleaBay item?
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-Peltier-Picture-Marble-Herbie-Comic-Marble_W0QQitemZ110498551386QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item19ba3a165a can't find this one in the original run, is it legit?
  18. and yes I would not call them "Oxblood's" and yes it is one of those cases where you will see similar mib's listed as such. but this is an educated (or willing to be educated) crowd (on this board) in the wild forget about it
  19. Ok so not trying to start a full scale "Oxblood incident" what would you call these...?
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