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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. if you come to the july show, I'd be happy to show you the difference in hand! deal? the marble you show would then be a translucent cork. not a moss. unless of course it has the opalescent or moonie glass showing in the base. then it's an ace. But Aces usually have some type of white striations, sometimes heavy, sometimes barely there.
  2. sorry been busy, hadn't looked at the thread in awhile... moss agates came in 2 types, the early ones looked like corks at one pole, but wondered off at the other, and a patch. the moss agates are not corks. sorry... ok, gotta get busy... TONS OF STUFF to get done! Vegas!
  3. yep 'bolders' here too... isn't it funny the different names from different areas? my mom was amarble champ when she was in grade school (she's 90 now) and she called the marble she won with 'the shooter'. so I am wondering if kids here called them shooters for that reason?
  4. the far right..............lol yeah, Vegas Baby!
  5. yeah, it's kinda like popeyes, some have more white than others. the main thing is the moonie ribbon or even an almost total moonie translucent base. it's pretty easy to tell, in hand, when you back-light the two kinds side by side.
  6. extra nice orbboy! not sure steve... bring it to vegas?
  7. sorry, should have zoomed in on the scuff mark! you can kinda see it...ok We're excited.
  8. it does have that little rough place on the bottom where it's been broken off.............
  9. is the bimbo the only one you're looking for?
  10. actually they have the striations a ringer or popeye would have. some have more than others, so they're hard to picture because they just look white based, (agh!) and thanks Steph, feel free anytime.
  11. tanks! I seem to have lost or misplaced a bunch of stuff when I got new 'puter. somethings just went 'poof'
  12. hey Steph, do you still have the catalog page on file? FWIW i also have an ace listed...
  13. Hi! on this board several times I have posted as well as Steph, an original salesman's catalog page with descriptions of specific marbles, aces included. But yeah, I agree, when it comes to money, lOTS of people don't care, and that's too bad. aces have an opal moonie ribbon through the base glass, that shines an opalescent pink when back lit. so it's really pretty easy to tell the difference. no fire in the glass? not an ace, just a translucent cork. which in itself is cool too, don't get me wrong, I like both!
  14. ok,a little venting... not a lot, just a little. why do sellers that should KNOW better list translucent based corks as ACES? if it does not have the moonie fire opal in the base, it is not an ace! Why does it bug me? because reputable sellers should know, and I feel bad sometimes that I see unsuspecting buyers(newbies or otherwise) buying a marble that is not what it's suppose to be!! ok, off my soap box... LOL
  15. kinda both. not a really high quality glass for sure...
  16. Do you think this elephant is alley too? (hoping!)
  17. sue... did you tell hubby SEMA is at the same time?!
  18. funny Steve!... what's it worth? ~Ernie
  19. nope, no Dylan... just 'the amy'.lol still ...a show stopper she is!!
  20. talk about timing! I got a call from a new collector tonight. He is looking for an original comic box. has the marbles, well most of them, but needs a box. anyone know of one available anywhere? oh yeah... my bimbo is yellow with an orange patch....and aint he cute?
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