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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Uh oh, I am late to the party. Happy Birthday!
  2. Kinda random as I don't think we were discussing rainbos, but I think there are several far from plain jane, Having said that we are all entitled to an opinion. =}
  3. Yes absolutely green =} Chuck those are too cool. I don't think I have seen them before. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Chuck, I sure wouldn't mind seeing some examples of these Dragon types you are mentioning. =}
  5. Thanks again, Chuck. I agree threads such as this and the info and thoughts discussed can not be beat.
  6. Yes, nice marble. I have these type as well.
  7. Thank you everyone for your input. Marblemiser, sorry they are not for sale. Besides, if I auctioned them off and you won, you would be quite unhappy.....these are iin no way yellow. They are very green.
  8. I like that Bob and it does make sense if you think about it. =}
  9. Yes both Pelt, no doubt. Thank you for the clearification on the transparent red ribbon one, Chuck. It has no white, so is not named. Thanks again!
  10. Thanks, so far that is what I am thinking, Dave, I am just not sure I have ever seen the info and was not sure if it would change the ID as far as name goes.
  11. So these two marbles have at times been referred to as a Dragon. My thought is the one on the left would be a Dragon/flaming Dragon. Where I have a question is....the marble on the right has transparent red. Does the trans red make the cut, would one call it the same thing? Is it just a nice NLR or is there another name?
  12. I don't doubt it, likely frozen again! It's chilly. While at work yesterday I had a couple that were hanging out by their frozen feeder, nearly landed on my shoulder in hopes I would take care of their feeder. Felt the air from their wings on my frozen ear. lol
  13. Dani, you are up early. I see you have been holding out on me! lol Nice marbles!
  14. Love them all, Winnie! Looks like I have another type to find!
  15. I have a shooter Snake in green base and a shooter Auger as well but none quite like these.
  16. Happy Birthday, Girl! Have a great day!!
  17. Oops, I guess i confused myself. =}
  18. Mike, break into those gumball machines! And, Ann, I agree they need to be together....so go right ahead and send me your avatar marble. =}
  19. Thank you, Winnie and Paul. It is certainly the jewel of my cat eye's.
  20. Very nice find, Winnie! That is a great looking marble!
  21. She does put up some great stuff, much of of which quickly becomes beyond my budget, but I can not keep from looking at the candy and occasionally I get lucky. =}
  22. This was one of Dani's. {Zaboo} It was not up for long, twas a buy it now. =}
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