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Everything posted by raynsandy

  1. I read tonight of Dons passing. I encountered first hand behind the scenes, his generosity and kindness. He will be missed.
  2. Labyrinth mine had 2 boards with it
  3. An apostrophe shows ownership and is not applied to cateyes.
  4. I’m back to making marbles again. Had to reset this account. Here’s what I’ve been up to and many others:
  5. Your new benningtons are still nice marbles to collect. If I were to make them (and I wont) I would charge 5 bucks each for them.
  6. imho The hardest of all marbles to photograph are sulphides or those with a majority of clear glass. I have found that direct sunlight, (not through the window, but outisde) often produce the best results.
  7. looks more like a plug that would have kept the glass from flowing out of the furnace until it was ready.
  8. would be nice if there was a ;mark on the bottoms.
  9. the only pictures I have are the ones of my dreams, while I slept......
  10. That would be a Jim Davis set. He sold them at 25 for each marble back in the day, I got one of his last sets from him.
  11. not mine either, too toyish of a figure, not an example of early steam engines.- my opinion
  12. Ive made some contemp versions, single color, not much over 1-1/4.
  13. sure same cane can be very large, take a man and a mule to handle the weight of the gather (plus a little help from your assistant) but its very feasible.
  14. I made 12,, 6 in clear glass and 6 with a light blue tint. They were all 1" diameter. The inside black balls were different sizes respectively between the two shades. I went with this many and types to make it easier on them to choose what would be best for them. There was a 2 week window to get them made and have them on their door step as shooting was on a very tight schedule. Ill have to look around and see if I got any photos of them. I did have a terabyte burn up and lost all 1,000 gigs of photos so I may or may not be able to find the pix. Not sure if it made the credits, Alan set up the contacts.
  15. Yes it was me. Just a little goodie being lost to the annals of time.
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