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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Interesting, the reflections don't help. Even with a good camera reflections can throw pics off on your monitor. Anybody seen it in hand?
  2. Looks like a lot of fun, I think more than one of us can say they enjoy sorting marbles for nuances or similarities
  3. link to 'sawed-off tin can' egg-frying device?
  4. No kidding, it's August already. Summer is flying by.
  5. Found it quicker than I thought. Might stick out like a black sheep on that board, but right around 7/8ths and not near as blue as the pics turned out
  6. I'll take a look around. Might have a couple like that but can't remember the size. I imagine that there was some variation in technique when these guys were twisting a glob off the cane, and also variation in the faceting techniques/tools. Maybe they were 'Friday Afternoon" or 'Monday Morning' marbles. Although the melted pole of the marbles looks decent.
  7. Nice group. 25 yrs = 'time well spent', congrats. So which one caught your eye first, the green one?
  8. A buddy of mine, that knows more about plumbing, claims drain mice are the biggest source of calls. You know, the ones with the tails
  9. Cool pic, those must be some of the cleanest tools on the block
  10. Cool, that many sparklers at once is probably not something many of us have seen. What an exotic find!
  11. Did I once hear that the naming convention only applied to Pelt NLR marbles and not so much to Pelt Rainbo's?
  12. I bet it'll be yummy free stuff too! Year supply of canned Tamales yay!
  13. Not seeing much meat, and chicken byproducts in a can or other wise is probably best left un-thunk
  14. I think I see what you mean by illumination in your first pic. 2"+ marble is going to have some weight for sure. I wouldn't have considered part of a lamp or candlestick but who knows? The pattern is nice. 35+ years gives it a bit of history. The precision of the pattern would have been very difficult to achieve in a marble pre-dating the time when most of the handmade German marbles were made 100+ years ago
  15. The part about losing his legs in a hand grenade attack and the molotov cocktail attack a year later, wow.
  16. Welcome! Cool pattern on that marble. It might be old(er), but might not be from the same era when the cane cut marbles were made in Germany (which is probably what most people on this site would consider in the 'old' category)
  17. Didn't something similar come up a while back? Can't recall what the consensus was back then. Seems like it was purposefully built for something... any markings on the zipper?
  18. 7/8ths on this one (blurry pic), found two like this and one @ 1" that I have with my Alleys Closer to 11/16 on this one, coloring looks a bit closer Hope it helps
  19. Alley would be my first guess, I think I've got a couple like it around somewhere (that I've been grouping with my Alleys)
  20. Once I sprained my wrist and had to use my left more. Although I haven't driven a right hand car, and if it's a manual right hand drive (with the shifter on the left) you'd best get off the road. Wasn't there a guy that could write with both hands in two different languages at the same time?
  21. 2nd pic in post 3 made me scratch my head, but either way it's not a color combo/size I've come across before. Did Marble King make any like this?
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