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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. WV swirls or Pelt was the gist (sorry for the super huge pics,
  2. As a substitute for potato in a soup you plan to freeze they hold up well (tried some in a pureed-cauliflower base clam chowder and it was good)
  3. cheese but it's got a funky beat, and I can bug out to it
  4. I used to to to McD's somewhat regularly. Then there was the health kick and 'super-size me' movie so stopped going for maybe 8 years. Picked it up again recently. The sausage and egg McMuffin in the morning, yum. 1/4 pounder with cheese or else big mac for anything else. Never really got into their trendy specials
  5. A 500 count marble box is huge! The pieces of wood (would) need to be seasoned/have the same moisture content/grain to not warp slightly and even then it would be a bit of a challenge.
  6. Well, if it does turn up don't be shy. Here's another unbalanced one in the meantime
  7. What color ribbons on a greenish base is your elusive marble? Assuming you mean a Rainbo or was it another style?
  8. Cool shirts, probably kid size right? (sorry, have to ask)
  9. I'd guess the ones with the wooden boards are older, maybe a deluxe set based on quality/size? No dates I can see
  10. Someday I'll get better at my photo-cropping skills, but here is a similar slag (a hair over 1"). Common to find these with bubble pops
  11. finely tuned GPR (ground penetrating radar)
  12. noticed that too, perhaps a popular (preferred) color?
  13. ooo, oo, oo Nice marble. 1 vote for a German cane-cut slag. "Greiners" are the hand-gathered ones (usually with a nine pattern) and a faceted pontil. Close to 1 inch is a big one
  14. Can't say I've seen many, are those threaded fittings or a reflection?
  15. Nice collection. Thanks for describing some of the items ie: hair comb, never would have guessed. Looks to also be some button hooks, letter openers (blades), book marks (or are those also letter openers), wax seals great display.
  16. looks like whatever it was intended to be didn't quite come together in the first pic (might be close to an end of cane or thereabouts at that pole) what's the size?. Nice odd-ball. I'd prefer to see a bit more definition or symmetry to the pattern before trying to categorize much more than that. Cheers
  17. Ok, Ok. lol @ slagalanche (missed that the first time). Just under 1-1/4" seems about par
  18. It's a ribbon Latt, two ribbons in different colors. Nice pattern. Not understanding the controversy other than the fact you don't see them around too often. Nice looking marble
  19. Between pic 3 and 4 that cut line must be close to half the equator (judging by the pics)
  20. I'm not convinced "solid core with high transparency" gets the same google results as a jelly core marble? Love that marble though Alan, is it a William Murray
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