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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Still wondering about the one on the left, anyone in the know please advise
  2. jmac, curious if you reached a conclusion to your above opinions in the last month and a half? Anything?
  3. Cool, sorry I missed out on the Oxblood month. Here's various non-silver "metallic" and the weirdest pink metallic I've seen
  4. I believe there are earlier examples of this before Jabo. Rumor has it, back in the old days certain beer/beverage cans somehow ended up in with the molten glass (the results can range from everything between brown, dull, silver etc.) But who knows. Could be some of the marble companies of that era were getting reclaim/recycled materials from other glass companies that did leaded/stained glass. Somebody posted a pic of some vintage ones a while back.
  5. Wouldn't have guessed the purple/white as CA, but they very well could be. Nice group
  6. Blink an eye and it's 3 years later, lol. So this is what I've found since (curiosity never sleeps, for some of us right?). The top pic is apparently an oiler from WW1, the C being for Canada and the 'broad arrow' or 'crows foot' within is a British military mark. The second pic shows the mark of Henry Loveridge & Co. Wouldn't have figured that one out until I saw it on a second (more ornate) piece that literally spelled it out . Thanks for the links and help
  7. Still looking for about a dozen to complete my 1-120 run of MAD mags (but that's a different topic) so, yes Bob, thought crossed my mind. lol
  8. Congrats, a refurbished two-story wood-frame house in NC is probably more comfy than a tent that would fit in a trunk from Chicago. Good luck with the move.
  9. Some pics would help.. At first I was thinking Peltier...but Egg & Ketchup doesn't strike me as a name even the name-naysayers would utter. So, if ADV does stand for aventurine (it might) some more recent marbles come to mind....Would MAD maybe stand for a Jabo run? Madia (Madya) not sure of the spelling. Are there multiple marbles in each bag, if so are we talking about 2, 20, 200? Any guess is good, and better than too few...right Bob?
  10. No dancing on the xylopohone in this version, but a bunch of other oddities instead
  11. Is this oxblood? (not a dumb question, but often questioned) Is this a pontil? (same deal)
  12. C'mon guys, quit leading on. In response to the original question those could be very well AKRO from the pics, and any further distinction would need to be made in-hand.
  13. Leaping Lizards in action last winter, came across this funny shot
  14. Bizarre handmade, is that what you're thinking? The yellow, green, red combo wasn't unheard of for some of those blotchy onionskin-type marbles...but I'm pretty convinced this isn't one. Good luck
  15. I heard sometimes this occurred on the machine rollers, where two large marbles cooled and stuck together. Not really a hit mark or cold roll but anomaly.
  16. Ended up with a couple other Chinese Checker boards instead, one was Pressman Hop Ching in a marked box and the other was a pressed metal one probably a bit newer. Unable to determine age on markings, I should have asked him if he remembered what year he'd purchased it.
  17. Interesting, Marble King, Master or Vitro? Nice marble *cough* imperial maybe
  18. Living on video, lol . Great tune. I had one of those ear worms a couple weeks ago and it was between that one and this. Bizarre video for 1982 if that the case
  19. nice selection, but look at all the empty spaces to fill
  20. 1938 apparently. Maybe a wall hanger with some TLC. Might take a look at it this week. Any thoughts?
  21. is that a shear mark in the first pic indicating it's a machine made? Some type of sparkler maybe?
  22. Depth, color, pattern execution = fantastic! Very pleased to see in hand. Good job
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