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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. So no other pics available when the auction was running? Bottom right looks interesting
  2. I'm with you on that, sweet marble. Lots of action going on there
  3. Nice popeye score. Really falling for the last one too.
  4. OK, hard to notice and probably a glass formulation thing but finally got a pic of it . One of my favorites
  5. If you focus on the construction more than the colors (and really simplify things) you could draw a similarity that sunbursts and onionskins both have a "pole" at either end, and streaks of color running from pole to pole. That might be over simplified for some people, lol.
  6. Trying new photo host. See if this works (9's on bottom row)
  7. A while back I had a pic of Akro patch "run" that went from a pattern of green/white/rust to green/white/oxblood to show variety. See if I can find it outside of photobucket.
  8. Common pattern and color combo for this type. The 'nine' pattern is characteristic of hand gathered marbles. Top left pic shows the cutoff. A member here spent a lot of time looking at these types and trying to characterize the cutoffs, but I don't think it ever really narrowed down manufacturer or origin. It was still an interesting study though. From my experience they are more often found in collections/groups originating from Europe or Canada (compared to US), and mostly ~5/8" size. Of course, there are going to be exceptions to both these points. Hope this helps
  9. Wow, there's a few handles haven't heard of in a while. Always good to see your posts RAR.
  10. Thanks for insights Alan. I'll stick with my opinions/thought process, just as I'm sure you will yours. That's fine. No conclusion was reached on my part, just random thoughts for discussion. However, based on your logic, do you think the other two examples mentioned in this thread are also 'not right'? Do you think they were made earlier than my estimate? Are all marble makers able to handle marbles/canes/tools with the same level of expertise?
  11. it doesn't appeal to me the way $9K does, but it's all subjective. re: pontil, flat spots, condition, etc: agree that there are a few things that are unusual (making it an unusual marble). Some of the later German handmades don't have the same fit & finish on the pontils as the earlier ones. I 'm saying later due to the bold colors. There aren't too many examples of later ones I've seen in this size Big marbles like this would be hard to handle and tongs could have been used, unfortunately making indentations or flat spots. The large size (mass) is also prone to deforming, cold rolls etc. My understanding is a wooden tool was sometimes used to make it more of a sphere which helps the shape but not the low areas like cold rolls and indentations. I've got no skin in this game so merely my 2 cents for what it's worth
  12. That sounds a bit scary, hope they pack everything well so nothing gets damaged
  13. They look to be old and original antique German handmade marbles. Probably 100 years old +/- 20 years. Value range is subjective and higher prices are generally for unique colors/patterns/sizes. And condition plays an important factor as well.
  14. There are a couple yellow/red ones in the back row that might be worth a closer look. I'm digging the blue glass on the jar, did it come with the marbles?
  15. Nice Dog. If anything like my dog, make sure it gets lots of walks and keep sorted marbles off the floor. They wont think twice about coming over to play when you least expect it
  16. If that's green aventurine on the blue flame it would most certainly point to Alley
  17. Once located, find a camera, and a decent host site, I'll see what I can do.
  18. Based on the translucency I'd guess Alley. And yes sometimes a fold/pattern can look like a turkey head, and sometimes it's the color combo that leans towards a certain manufacturer. Not a cut and dry ID unfortunately
  19. It must be the $12.50 shipping, what a bargain!
  20. I've found this forum and knowledge from other seasoned collectors as being helpful. Completed auctions on eBay can give an idea of what somebody paid, but values are soooo subjective. For example, without seeing the marbles in hand, or else a bunch of highly detailed pictures, some people might consider those above marbles to be contemporary and not value them nearly as high as a vintage marble (not saying that's the case here). Marble shows are a good place to get input. Show them to a couple people and see what they say. In my opinion this community is pretty close-knit and a consensus might be reached in terms of rarity/value.
  21. My 2 cents worth, is they look a lot more like twisted up Marble Kings than Alley. Seems to be a lot more distinct separation between the red/green/yellow/blue and white. But I think that's what you're getting at ...glass recipes vs machine they were made on.
  22. Out of the 3 batches pictured, I'd say the majority of non-vintage marbles are in the third batch
  23. LindPW, can't fault your pictures, focus/camera looks better than I can dig up with my 5MP
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