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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Nice one, would have been my first guess since I have the same combo and think it falls in that category. "Canadian Mushroom". I really think there is something to the location these are found in tho'
  2. wow! It's gotta be an Akro though, right?
  3. Bottom left could be an Alley Coral, top right could be Pelt, other two I don't recognize
  4. They all look Vitro from the pictures
  5. I like these wacky ones. and am glad they didn't get discarded. It is a little surprising they'd still spend the time to grind/facet the pontil...although at that point 90% of the labor and materials would already be into it.
  6. Yeah, these ones are tough to ID and years ago there was discussion on origin. I believe the common opinion was "Foreign" meaning non-USA (they seem to be found more often in groups of marbles in Canada, UK, Australia and parts of Europe). Red and white are probably the most common color combo, and sizes over 1" are a lot less common than the ~5/8" sizes.
  7. The one you pictured is different in the sense it's deliberately a colored base glass where others could be argued as a 'tint' caused by UV (purple) or contamination in the clear glass (ie: yellow or bluish tint). And the colored outer bands too are odd too. Most of the deliberate colored ones I've come across are a white latt and white outer caged bands typically on a deep blue, emerald green, or amber yellow base glass
  8. Peltier, but not Christmas trees
  9. Yeah, screen grab from a live set. Categorically non-marble, but eye candy, so I figured it fit the bill
  10. Original post looks like a Vacor maybe?
  11. Looks like a nice swirl in the background
  12. That is sad. I always liked to read his posts, which hopefully included a pic of nice marbles, old cars, outdoors, dogs (and sometimes all of the above). Keep on smiling Lloyd
  13. My initial thought is Foreign, but different pics could sway me. Don't know what's causing the 'halo' reflection but it's throwing me off.
  14. Several manufacturers made handgathered marbles, the cut-off in pic two may hold some clues?
  15. Looking at the pics again, got to wonder if NRL would be more appropriate than NLR? Or was there any Pelt packaging that actually refers to them as "National Line Rainbo" (in that order)?
  16. Cool. Interesting font on the illustration. Is it printed on the cardboard itself?
  17. That large National Rainbo Line box is pretty cool. Quite impressive collection
  18. Pretty cool. No, haven't seen this color (or a light lavender) core before. Unless tinted base glass which this doesn't appear to be. Surely they made more, where is the rest of the cane? lol
  19. Kinda funny how marbles seem to migrate together. Looks vintage to me based on the similar ones I've come across, and vintage Alley would have been my first guess. As a side note - A family member recently brought me some childhood marbles and I mentioned the 'modern' word. Modern for a lot of people, doesn't mean 40-60 years ago, is how the conversation went, and we joked about getting older. I enjoyed that visit. Good times and some marbles.
  20. LOL, spent so much time squinting at the pic, almost missed this little tidbit of good info at the bottom. Agree with bumblebee, the price point of the 'medium quality' 11/16-7/8" marbles is interesting compared to the rest of the Agates.
  21. I'd go with Peltier Peerless Patch on this one. Sometimes the yellow patch has (what looks like) black metallic but most likely debris/contamination and not aventurine.
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